Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

This is the week it is..........................

I hope y'all are enjoying this week of summer.  

Can you believe it is already mid June??!!

Time goes by so fast at times.

Someone told me this saying once,
"The days are long, but the years go by fast"
All I could think of at first when I heard this quote, was when I was pregnant...LOL..I am sure you all can relate to that. 
SOOOOO, I took this old brown dresser, painted it white with chalk paint, replaced the gold gaudy hardware with this sweet and simple silver hardware.  I was torn between black or silver.  I like silver...for now...;)

If you look closely, you will see this precious little clock on my #Farmhouse.  I LOVE IT!!!
Isn't it the cutest???!!!

This buffet and clock are in my dining room.  I will show you my dining room in my next vlog if you would like to see it.

I've been videoing each dinner to share with you all, also.  Let me know if you would like to see those things.

Today I ran my 5k and then later, i did my Peloton.  I love my Peloton so much.  My running shoes have been good to me, but I need a new pair...I have made good use of them but they no longer feel like I am running on a cloud...LOL..

I did a Target run today and found two sets of sheet sets for my daughter's bed in her dorm room.  I don't know who is more excited to decorate..her or me..tee hee


Tonight's dinner, which was talked about on my "Menu Plan" post and my youtube channel was a pasta bake,,,here is a picture of was served with rolls and a nice green salad :)
Image may contain: food

I've also been painting more pieces of furniture.

Along with all my errands and projects, we have been enjoying the pool,
We love to go to swimming.

I think I have also got a handle on my laundry this week.  WooHoo!!
I've been staying up late and getting up early.  I need more hours in the day to get all the things done.
Life is good and I thank God everyday for blessing me far much more than I deserve.
I am God's girl..always have been and forever I will be.
I wake up with a prayer and go to sleep with a prayer!

We have found such a lovely church here in Georgia,

Well, cheers to another great day.  I look froward to blogging tomorrow and sharing another vlog.

You all are the best!!
Thank you for visiting my little world on the net

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