Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday Chatter!

Thank you all for looking at my Thanksgiving pictures and my Garage sale find!
My little baby, had a mild fever last night---I think he is getting more teeth, I am keeping an eye on him, he seems to be playing fine, but a little more restful--so we are staying in today so he can stay warm and rest.

I am making stock out of the turkey carcass---it will keep the house warm and keep it smelling yummy. I pulled off all the tender meat and wrapped it and labeled it for my freezer, for when I make dumplings.

I am also, doing some decorating and other odds and ends through out the house.
I hope you all have a lovely Saturday.


  1. Sounds good!!! Like dumplings!!

  2. I love dumplings too.
    My side of the family had dumplings with their meal.
    ONly I wasn't there to enjoy them.

    WE were celebrating Christmas with Al's side.

  3. Gosh, even that turkey carcass looks delcious to me! :)
    Hope you share a picture of the dumplings whenever you make them!


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