Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Peter is Home--It is Christmas now::Giggles:::

Remember this commercial?
It is official that it is Christmas time, when Peter comes home :)

When I see this commercial it just makes me smile--I just always remember it on every Christmas--so the saying was always ,when Peter comes home, we know it is Christmas...LOL


  1. Julieann,
    We say exactly the same thing here. It isn't Christmas until we've seen that commercial. For some reason I haven't seen it recently so it brought back happy memories. And it always brings tears to my dh's eyes. Our oldest is going to college next fall so it'll be especially poignant next year. As it will be for your when your oldest leaves for college.
    Thanks for bringing back happy memories.

  2. I haven't seen that commercial here yet. :( I was thinking about it the other day wondering why they haven't played it yet.

  3. I always used to love that commercial. I especially loved the way she said "Oh, you're home!" in that happy tone of voice.

    My oldest is in college but is living at home. Someday he will go away (probably for his last two years of schooling) and then I'll be a little puddle of tears during that commercial, lol!

  4. This always brings a tear to my eye. (I admit it - I'm sappy! ~ lol)

  5. Oh my goodness, I remember this commercial. How funny!!

  6. I remember this commercial. Thank you for the happy memories.


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