Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

What is THIS??

This was on my walkway as I was going to my car--I quickly took a picture--WHAT IS IT?
(Click to enlarge) It was pretty big!!
Yummy! ;O)


  1. I have no idea but keep it away from me!!!!! lol I truly don't like bugs, UGH!!

  2. I sure don't know what it is but I am glad it didn't get on me or you in the dark. Awful. connie from Texas

  3. I see critters like that all the time here in Oregon. We just call them beetles. I remember holding them as a child and they left a weird smell on my hand. We always found them dead, I think they die easy. We also found them laying on their back dead, like they rolled over and couldn't get up! Funny! Sharon

  4. Some sort of ugly beetle. Ughh!

    HAve a good day!


  5. Looks like a beetle...ick!! I have a kitty here that would love to catch it for you! :0)


  6. It might be a June Bug....we found some HUGE bugs a couple times this summer..on the sidewalk too...we took pictures too...I'll have to see if I can find them so I can compare.

  7. EEEWW! I'm not a big fan of any kind of bug or spider. Icky.

  8. Yes, I do agree it is some sort of beetle--I have not seen a bug like this since I was Georgia----

    Also, have you ever seen those bugs that run super fast and have a million legs--it isn't a centipede, but it is in the *Pede* family..LOL...those things were in Georgia and just fascinated me.


  9. I believe I am the only one of your readers who would see this and yell out to her husband, "Hey, c'mere, look at this cool bug!!!"


  10. hey Julieann..are you talking about the millipede?

  11. Holy Beetle, Batman!!! How big was it!?

  12. Heather--I think it was a millipede--it was fast!!! I could never get a picture of it.


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