Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I don't want to sound BITTER or MEAN--BUT Please---PUT YOUR CELL PHONE DOWN WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING!!!!!!--especially when you are driving-PLEASE!!!!

Why must people constantly have a phone attached to their ear??? What is sooo important that it can not wait until they are home---I can't say Hi to anyone anymore, because I would be interrupting them while they are talking to a machine!!

I have a Nextel that I have for EMERGENCY'S, you will never see me talking on it while I am driving--I have it in case I need help---ugh----I am so tired of seeing people talking on their phone while they are driving and dropping off their children at school--I am taking my precious children to school--GET OFF THE PHONE, and PAY ATTENTION!!!!

Have you ever seen those women that are on the phone talking to someone, while at the grocery store??? ...UGH!!!

Okay, that felt really good.


  1. Is it ok if it's the woman calling her husband to ask him what flavor items he wants? ROFL I have to call DH all the time for doritos/ice cream/soup flavors because he never tells me what kind he wants. LOL

  2. I hear ya sister!

    You know what I hate? When people are talking in the BATHROOM-on the POT! ugh. Some things are supposed to be sacred, you know? That is just WRONG and gets me FUMING every single time...

  3. Rant away, Julieann! I use my cell phone for the same thing. If I'm going to talk to my family and friends, I'll do it in the privacy of my home, not while picking up bananas in the grocery store. ;0)

    I really don't like it when I'm in a store and someone starts talking, I'm assuming to me, but then I see they have a hidden ear piece on. Ugh! LOL


  4. The always on the cell phone while driving is a pet peeve of mine.

    I also only use mine for emergencies.

  5. I am guilty of talking on the phone in the car, but usually just quick calls i.e., do we need any milk, or I'll be ten minutes late. My big pet peave about cell phones are the mothers out with their children on a walk or at McDonald's and they are gabbing on the stupid phone instead of visiting with the most important person there.....their little child! I have said this so many times that I overheard my youngest complaining about it too when he observed it! It really is tragic and I worry about the future generation's social skills, they cannot only talk on a cell phone or text their BFF to say IDK, LOL!

    Okay, I'm done now! :0) Sharon

  6. I don't even own a cell phone. I know it is 2007 but o'well. What kills me is that 8 year olds own them. And I don't!


  7. For the most part you're preaching the choir, sweetie. ;o)

    I especially despise those who:

    1. use their cell phone while on the potty
    2. disrespect the grocery checker by talking on the phone while going through check-out
    3. talk loudly while walking up and down aisles. why do the they talk loudly? pride? ensuring the person on the other end of the line hears them? i don't get that.
    4. interrupt a conversation with you because their phone is ringing and they *must* answer it..and go on and on about mundane nothings. guess whoever is on the phone is more important.

    Don't get me started on **call waiting**! grrr.

  8. Oh! Here's another!

    While using their Cyborg ear-unit, the person will share loudly and in great detail, **personal and definitely private** public! TOOO much information.arghgh.

  9. Ha Ha!!! I love you alll:)))

    I didn't realize I am not alone---yay!

    Julieann xox

  10. Oh Julieann, what a great post! Aren't people such bores when they are on their cell phones and think the world revolves around what is usually a very unimportant phone conversation--we have this at our church circle meetings where the cell phones start ringing--UGH!! It's like--turn it off--you're not that important!!

    Last October, we were at Disneyland and there was this woman with a bluetooth (I think that's right) chatting away while pushing a baby stroller piled high with "stuff." I looked and couldn't even tell if there was a baby in there--people's priorites are messed up.


  11. I agree. We have the prepaid cell phone so ours is only used for quick calls to ask a question or pass on info or emergencies. I think some people feel *important* while talking on cell phones...."see how popular I am??". I personally feel so self conscious while on the phone in a public place!

    I was once behind this guy in a car who was driving SO slowly, i.e. 10 - 20 mph. I finally got around him, only to see him yacking away on the phone! grrrrrrrr! PULL OVER!!!!

  12. I have a dear friend who calls me 3 times a week at 5:30 p.m. because that's the best time for her to chat--she's on her way home from work. She is childless by choice and does not understand that this is the absolute WORST time to try to chat me up--I am either getting dinner ready with a tired toddler underfoot (not to mention I'm also very tired with 40 pounds of baby and baby-support equipment in my belly!), or my dear hubby has just gotten home and I want to spend the time talking with HIM about his day. I want to be with my family or doing what is necessary to take care of my family. But no matter how many times I try to tactfully say that 5:30-7:30 p.m. is a horrible time for me to chat, she calls anyway.

    Am I a bad friend for only answering her calls about 1 out of 30 times? Is Caller ID a gift from God to moms or what????

  13. My family was at O'Charley's (restaurant) and I went into the restroom with my 3 year old. There was a woman in a stall talking on her cell phone as she's doing #2. You could hear her grunting, yet she still continued to talk on the cell phone.

    Unbelievable (not to mention disgusting and rude)!

    Please, if anyone wants to call me, please don't do it while you're on the toilet!!



  14. I'm guilty of using it more than just emergencies - but if I'm on it, I try to make it brief. And, I leave it in the car when I get to where I'm going! Drives me nuts when you are in a meeting and someone's phone goes off!

  15. Amen!! It's really becoming a huge problem with people driving while talking on their cell phones. If my cell phone rings while I'm driving, I pull up on the side of the road, then answer it. I won't resume driving again until my call is done. xox

  16. I work in a bank, and just today, in the middle of trying to figure out why his account was overdrawn, the customer answered his phone! Personally I think figuring out one's personal finances is more important, but that's just me...
    Having said that, I have a pre-paid cell that I use on my terms. A big part of the reason we have it is so the kids' school can reach us if we're not home. ANother big part is that I don't just work in one branch of our bank. I float to different branches. With the cell, my husband never has to try to remember which of 6 branches I might be at. He just calls one number.
    As an aside, Julieann, I have been reading your blog since before Little Kevin was born and I enjoy it immensely! Bless you, dear sister!

  17. I will admit. I use my cell phone too when driving but it is just for quick little things like I am off work now and on my way home.I get off sometimes at 10:30 or 11:30. I use it for safety sake so my husband knows that I am safe and on my way home. Plus then I feel more safe too if you know what I mean.

    I don't use it though for some of the reasons mentioned while in the bathroom on the toilet...or in excess when driving.
    The only time I use it in the grocery store is like someone mentioned above is to make sure I am coming home with the correct items.

    I do agree with you I don't like it when people are talking on the phones while driving, while in public places or in the restrooms. It can be annoying.

  18. I completely agree with you, Julieann!!! I keep my cell phone with me, sure, in case of emergencies, but I do NOT make phone calls on it while driving!!! Scares me to death when I see people talking on cell phones and driving!! Oh, and the other day I saw a lady talking on her cell phone, driving AND smoking a cigarette!! How in the WORLD did she manage all that at the same time????

    Mrs. U

  19. You really struck a nerve with this post!

    On Wednesday I was at Target and stopped to use the restroom before completing my shopping. The woman in the stall next to me was doing her business while talking on the phone. I said in a loud voice, "Talking on the telephone while going to the bathroom. This *is* a new low." With that she rushed through finishing (ew), flushed (thankfully), and walked out of the restoom. She **didn't even wash her hands**!!! She just kept on talking. I was beyond disgusted.

    Anyway, thanks for letting more than a few folks rant - 3x for me. haha.

  20. ewwww, she didn't wash her hands--Oh My!!! That is another pet peeve of mine...LOL---


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