Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, November 07, 2022

🤍Happy Homemaker Monday🤍

I am joining 

Happy Homemaker Monday

over at 

Sandra's lovely Blog

Please go over and visit and check out all the beautiful blogs and join in the fun.

I have met some fantastic and amazing women in such a short time of me joining.

I find peace finding women I have things in comment with.


I am so very glad you are here!

This was an extradentary busy week, and I loved it.  

Our weather is amazing...I MEAN AMAZING!!  In the 80's this week.  My heating and AC are thinking I have lost my on, ac off, heat on heat

I started decorating and I am loving it so much.

I made a donation box of things I have decided to retire, hoping some else might enjoy it for awhile.

I also started a pile of food donation for my youngest son school.  
We will drop that off Friday

🤍Weekly Menu Plan🤍

I am feeling really happy.

I had something that made me very upset, but I worked through it with God.  I did a lot of praying and talking to him.

I am God's girl.
I am my biggest critic and sometimes I am very hard on myself.  I need to learn to be kinder to me :)

Church Sunday was 


From my Camera:
The buttery Garlic Knot from our local Italian restaurant we went to on Friday.


On my To~Do List:

Put the finishing touches on my Thanksgiving Scrapbook, so it is ready for Thanksgiving for all to see from last year.

I give people disposable cameras and have them take pictures during our party.

Cook, Clean, Laundry

Vacuum Stairs

Finish decorating.

Paint a fall page for my book

finish painting a Holly on my frame

and this and that....

Be still and know that I am God!!

I always say, Let Go and Let God!

So, this is what I am sharing this week.

We all must be still in the quietness of our thoughts and know that God is with us and loves us with his heart and everything will work out and be okay.

He never says no, he might just be saying not yet.


Thank you for Visiting!


  1. Happy Monday Friend!
    I know exactly what you mean. In these past few years I had many moments I had to let go and let God.
    Wishing you lots of fun with your decorating. 😊
    That garlic knot is making my mouth water - it looks amazing!
    Blessings on your week ahead xo

  2. Wonderful devotion for the week. And I love your Thanksgiving tradition, what a fun idea to give people the cameras and then make a scrapbook for the following year. Hope you have an amazing week!

  3. Looks like a wonderful week ahead with a great menu. Have a great rest of the week.

  4. 80's WOW! Halve that and you have our high!

    So much of the time our life is just so much easier when we let go and let God. My favorite aunt had 2 favorite phrases that I find myself thinking about often. The first one was her acronym PUSH - pray until something happens and my favorite was "Man Plans, God Laughs" which was her way of ALWAYS reminding us that we aren't really in control and to revert back to Let Go and Let God.

    I hope you're having a great week!

  5. I am chuckling because our weather is the same. It's been AC on, AC off, for the past two weeks. We wake up to 30 degrees and really cold, then by the afternoon we're in the high 80's. Insane.

    Have a blessed week, and again, so glad you're joining our little Happy Homemaker Monday family.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me