Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, September 23, 2022

Stuffed Mushrooms

 Stuffed Mushrooms


15 Mushrooms Button mushrooms with stems
2 green onions
2 slices of white bread, using the ends is good too. (sourdough works great also)
2 healthy splashes of Worcestershire Sauce
2 Cups of cheese..I use can use any yummy cheese you like
1 1/2 stick of  unsalted butter (Melt the half stick of butter in a bowl to use at the end)
Ghee used to butter the bottom of the baking dish

Preheat oven to 375'

Cook time 20 minutes

Clean all the mushrooms with a paper towel and get all the dirt off...snap stems off and put in bowl.
Stems are used for the filling.
Grease the bottom of the baking dish with Ghee and place cleaned up mushroom caps on dish.
Put the stems in a food processor along with two green onions.
Pulse until finely chopped.  No big pieces.
Melt one stick of unsalted butter in saute pan and once butter is melted add the filling from the food processor.  Use a spatula if you need to..
Cook until the filling is all moistened with the yummy butter.  Add the ripped up bread and mix until all is moistened into the the mixture as well.
Add the 2 healthy splashes of the Worcheshire sauce...mix in good
Add the 2 cups of cheese mix until everything is melted and ooey and gooey........

Use a small spoon and stuff those mushroom caps...fill them to over flowing.  Try and use all the stuffing.  Once all the mushroom caps are filled, brush the 1/2 stick of melted butter over all the stuffed mushrooms.

Put them in a preheated oven of 375' for 20 minutes.  Check on them at the 15 minute mark because everyone's oven is different.

Video is attached that follows along with the recipe.


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