Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Good Happy Morning!! A little Chit Chat :)


I started my day off with waking up, brushing my teeth, doing a Peloton yoga class, starting a load of laundry and putting on my running shoes and running three miles.  Oh, to just run feels amazing.  I want things to be simple.  I want life to be simple and happy.  I want to be with my little family. My precious blog holds so many memories and some memories have not been shared.  Some memories are not always my story, so I hold back a little of those things.  I share my thoughts and shenanigans though.  Something's that are not written may one day be shared.  I do love keeping a running journal of my life.  My daughter especially loves this blog and reads here often.  She is an adult now, and so beautiful and stunning.  She is smart!!!!

It is a beautiful September morning, the first day of Fall. but it felt like a hot summer day running this morning.  I so love the warm sun on my shoulders.  I am always cold so the hotter the better.  Who can relate ?

So, if you happen to meander on by over my little corner on the net, drop me a comment. I always respond and I just love the interaction.  I know I have readers still, my stats say I do, so WAVING!!!!!!!!

I bought this sign at Marshal's awhile back and it had an entirely different saying, so I painted it and made the saying my own.  I just love how this came out.

(I used my Cricut)
Here are a few others things in my home.  Some are semi homemade .
I just Love, Love, Love cows.  Who doesn't.
I don't eat them either.  Personal choice for me :)

(This is in my dining room )

(This is in my foyer)

I am going to make some Pumpkin Bars to celebrate the beginning of fall.
I will share them when I am finished.

Have a Happy Day!!
You are not broken and you are enough!!

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