Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


(Photo courtesy of Google)

I'm feeling something creeping on...LOL.....I was starting to feel a little sick last night and this morning, I was feeling it a little stronger. So, I made a super duper juice.  It has carrots, celery, apple and garlic.....hopefully it will kick it out. 
I just scrubbed the shower in our bathroom...and I am listening to court tv as I clean...I just find these trials fascinating.

I think I am going to pull out chicken for tonight's dinner.

Last night, we had pork, buttery garlic noodles, blacked eyed peas and peppers, and of course a salad :)


  1. Thank you just feels like something is coming...LOL....I feel pretty good right now :)

    Happy Wednesday!

    It is almost Fall!!!!!!!!!! :)


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