Hi there. I can't remember if I mentioned that the first weekend in August, I went to my husband's banquet dinner....we stayed at a very nice hotel. When we lived in Cali, I flew out to Georgia every other year for this....one of the best parts of the evening is a blogger I met here through blog land also attends these dinners with her husband..it is so nice to meet up with her and her family and get to talk :)
It was exciting and fun. My Fil and Mil came over and watched the kids for us.
It seems that not a day goes by with out a little rain...I LOVE IT!!! I woke up last night to the sound of thunder:)
Not a fan of having to drive in it, but love to be home and watch it :)
Last night's dinner was leftover tacos and chicken enchiladas. On Sunday we had a birthday dinner for my MIL and she requested tacos..we had tons of leftovers so that is what we had last night too.
Tonight I took out pork chops.
I found a recipe for chicken spaghetti after I saw it on the Food Network. The Pioneer Woman made it..Love her blog and her show. I am going to make this, but I am going to tweak the recipe a bit. Instead of using cream soups I will make my own cream sauce.
I have a new TIVO since the lightening destroyed my last box...things like that don't happen in Cali...LOL. It took the cable man 3 hours to hook it up. For those of you that aren't familiar with TIVO, it is like a DVR. BUT, after a while it gets to "know" you and starts recording shows it thinks you might like. The other day it recorded a show about trucks...LOL.....HMMMMM. BUT, it also recorded an episode of Dr. Quinn :) I love my new TIVO.
It was exciting and fun. My Fil and Mil came over and watched the kids for us.
It seems that not a day goes by with out a little rain...I LOVE IT!!! I woke up last night to the sound of thunder:)
Not a fan of having to drive in it, but love to be home and watch it :)
Last night's dinner was leftover tacos and chicken enchiladas. On Sunday we had a birthday dinner for my MIL and she requested tacos..we had tons of leftovers so that is what we had last night too.
Tonight I took out pork chops.
I found a recipe for chicken spaghetti after I saw it on the Food Network. The Pioneer Woman made it..Love her blog and her show. I am going to make this, but I am going to tweak the recipe a bit. Instead of using cream soups I will make my own cream sauce.
I have a new TIVO since the lightening destroyed my last box...things like that don't happen in Cali...LOL. It took the cable man 3 hours to hook it up. For those of you that aren't familiar with TIVO, it is like a DVR. BUT, after a while it gets to "know" you and starts recording shows it thinks you might like. The other day it recorded a show about trucks...LOL.....HMMMMM. BUT, it also recorded an episode of Dr. Quinn :) I love my new TIVO.
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