Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We made a Costco run the other day and here are a few things we bought.

Potatoes..we like these because they are big.  Great for baked Potatoes

Spring mix!  Love this for my salads and the Guinea girls love it too :)

How did this picture get in there?....LOL

I like to put them in smoothies
I can't seem to ever buy enough bananas
Tiki loves them too

Tomatoes....we love tomatoes.  I put them in salads.  I also cut them up and my kids eat them just by themselves...I also will serve them with breakfast instead of potatoes



Kiwi..another favorite here

Avocados..they only sell five in a bag...we always need more...LOL


Spinach....I put spinach in a lot of things.  Salads and smoothies mostly!

Carrots...I use a lot of carrots with my juicer.

Romaine lettuce:)


For dinner on Monday I made a chicken, broccoli and cheese bake.  Last night's dinner was a beef roast with all the fixings.  Tonight I took out ground beef...haven't decided yet:)


Little K and I were swimming all morning..I think I got a little too much sun, oh well.  Now I am going to do some housework...Have a happy day!

1 comment:

  1. Julieann You really got some great products, I wish we had a Costco in my town the closes one to me is an hour away. I love fruit especially doing the summer when you want a lite snack on those hot days,


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