Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday :)

We have had a really nice week.  Spending a lot of time at the swimming pool here.  Love it!  Little Kevin will be swimming without his floaties in no time. 

I had to go to Publix this morning for a few things.  I am catching up on laundry and baking cookies as I type.  I am making two kinds, Chocolate Chip and Oatmeal.

I also needed some baby oil.  I use it everytime I shower, after I am done with my shower I put baby oil on my skin (while I am in the shower, less mess)..I have sensitive skin and it keeps my skin soft :) 

I also use Pond's Cold Cream on my face, I have been for as long as I can remember.

I took my nails off....I just didn't feel like keeping up with them at the moment.  I will put them back on around the Holidays, but for the moment I am natural.  My toenails are pink<~~~~~ My favorite color.

Tonight's dinner will be chicken breasts, macaroni and cheese, steamed veggies and a salad:)

This made me giggle, because, I am not a napper...LOL:)

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