Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Fried pork with mushrooms and onions
Baby peas
Homemade Dinner Rolls

Baked Chicken thighs
Fried Green Beans
Mashed potatoes

Gemelli Pasta with Spaghetti Sauce and homemade meatballs
Fresh Green Salad
Garlic Bread

Baked Potatoes
Dinner Rolls
Fresh Green Salad

Beef Burritos

*My menu is in no particular order and may change at anytime--My salads are always a fresh green salad loaded with fresh veggies--with avocado and a little cheese. I also make my own Ranch dressing:)

This is the Birthday cake I made for Tony last Thursday. He requested a German Chocolate cake--I made the cake part, but I had to use plain Chocolate frosting--because the coconut frosting has nuts in it, and we can't have nuts in the house, because of Little Kevin's allergy--it was still a yummy cake--it sure did not last long...LOL


  1. Tony's cake looks so yummy! That wouldn't last long here either! We love chocolate!

  2. I wish I were as organized as you are! I never know what's for dinner until about an hour beforehand, but I guess with an untold amount of kids staying overnight, it makes it a bit hard to plan...*sigh*
    Tony's cake looks yummy!

  3. Your menu sounds delicious and the cake looks great too! I absolutely love gemelli pasta noodles! They're my favorite! If this is your first time trying them, I'm sure you'll like them!

  4. That cake you made looks so
    good! Love chocolate!!
    Pamela in OH

  5. I have an icing recipe for German Chocolate cake that is very easy to leave the nuts out of. I know because I have to do that here. If you want it, I'll e-mail it to you.


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P.S. You can always email me