Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, March 13, 2009

*Food Pictures*

I made the fried green beans--Recipe is in a post or two below this one---they were soooooo yummy---if you aren't careful you could eat the whole plate easily! I deep fried them for 3 minutes--perfectly cooked--crunchy on the outside and tender in the inside and with a little bit of salt---mmmmmm
Instead of baked chicken, I made my hubby's favorite--fried chicken!
Ohhh--he was in fried Heaven!
...and I topped it off with a pile of homemade mashed potatoes!
There was also a fresh green salad---I forgot to take a picture of that--but you all have seen my salads before...LOL.

If you have not had a fried green beans, you must!!!


  1. I've never had fried green beans and it would probably be a bad thing for me to try. I'm pretty sure I would like them!

  2. ohmygosh that dinner looks so good!!! What kind of batter did you use for the green beans and did you make or use a dipping sauce? yum. I am now sooo hungry! :-)

  3. I've had them once at a restaurant and they are extremely yummy. I hope to try your recipe soon.

    hope you have a good weekend.

  4. Julieann, your meals always look so scrumptious! I'm sure you must have happy campers at your home!

  5. Girl I have seen you do many foods,but this looks like your best. You can't go wrong with fried chicken and potatoes.
    The beans look better than the TGIF ones and sure alot cheaper. Great meal =)

  6. Julieann you are such a good cook! I can see that you put a lot of love time
    and thought into the meals you serve your family.
    Pamela in Ohio

  7. I have seen the fried green beans in several restaurants but have never tried them. Yours look very tasty.

    Hope you have a blessed weekend!


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