Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Happy Thursday to you all! My day started at 5:00 a.m. Little Kevin and I woke up and went downstairs---he had some juice and I had my first cup of coffee for the day. Do you drink Coffee? What kind? Cream? Anyway, after a nice hot cup of coffee--I got to work--I made 24 cupcakes--I was not able to make them last night--other things came up that kept me from doing them---and so I made them this morning. I could have made them after drop off--but I am very OCD and had to get them done. Are you OCD? Yesterday, I went and picked up some frosting, sprinkles, M&M'S and American Flags to top off the star cupcake--each child will decorate them themselves---I will be taking pictures of the finished cupcakes the children make. I am going to make the frosting blue with the food coloring---I am trying to do patriotic colors, I just could not find red, white and Blue M7M's though.
Then Alexis got to lead the school in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning
They are singing *Your A Grand Old Flag*
Then she got to hold the microphone---(How exciting)
God Bless this Beautiful Country Under GOD!!
I took out some chicken to bake today for dinner--I am also going to make a pasta salad that I got on sale at Walmart for 2.00--awesome!!

At 11:45 I am going to go to my daughter's class and we will have our *Patriotic* Centers and decorate the cupcakes. Alexis has Ballet class today too--so this is quite a busy day for her. (and me...LOL)

I am so excited for this weekend--3 day weekend--YAY!!!
Thank you for visiting me on my busy morning:)


  1. Good afternoon! Those are the cutest cupcakes (where did you get the pans??) and everyone is going to have so much fun decorating them! I had some coffee this morning (cream and sugar for me!) and I left the pot on, so I may have an afternoon cup too. :0) I definitely have some OCD tendencies.

  2. Sounds like a fun day! On the rare occasions I drink regular coffee I add cream and sugar, but I usually drink a homemade mocha mix. Cute cupcakes! I also liked your great garage sale finds - good for you!!

  3. those pans are the greatest! I am OCD at times LOL, I like coffee with creamer, not plain creamer though, Have to have irish cream or chocolate or both together LOL

  4. Those are so cute!! What a great mom you are. I take my coffee black. I enjoy my morning coffee very much. Have a great day.



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