Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Baking Day and *Big* Clean Day

It is a beautiful rainy day--a bit cool--perfect for baking! Here is a picture of my Classic white bread---white bread gets such a bad rap---oh well, I love it! I am going to make White bread, Wheat bread, Dinner rolls---and maybe, just maybe Blueberry bread:)

After and During all the wonderful bread baking--I am going to do my super *BIG* clean and get ready for this 3 day weekend--YAY!!! I want everything baked and sparkly so I am not bogged down with worry about if the bathrooms are clean enough--granted there is always work to be done daily--but when things are totally organized and cleaned it is much easier to keep up---and yesterday I was super busy so I was a bit neglectful with my chores---I took a ton of pictures at Alexis's school--and I even took some of her in her ballet outfit and her bun, it look so pretty all put up:) I will post those pictures sometime today or tomorrow! Her recital is soooo close, I am so excited to see her dance on stage.

More exciting and fun posts to come---thank you so much for visiting with me today--I will by your blog for a visit shortly!


  1. DH prefers white bread and I love it, too!! I just make mine in the bread machine but we sure like fresh bread around here. I'm going to check and see if you posted your recipe in the past. Have a great long weekend!

  2. MMM, the bread looks so yummy! I had to laugh at your egg post. I was taking pics in the store too and people were looking at me like I was crazy!

  3. Wow, you make great bread. Mine somehow never looks that good. I'll keep trying though. Hugs, Kathi


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