Happy Thursday. Now that my whole family is home, Kevin is back from Georgia and Tony is back from Washington--the days are just flying by. School starts here on September 4th. School starts early so I am going to have to wake up even earlier then I am now which lately is about 6:20.
I will never understand why school has to start so early. Tony's first period supposedly starts at 6:40???? What are they thinking...LOL. My son is very unhappy about this, and when we register him next week we are going to try and get the next class which start at 7:40--that is when he started last year--much kinder for me. I take my kids to school so getting the baby and Alexis in the car at 6:30 is just too much----don't you think so? Okay it sounds like I am complaining, and I need to stop this, because I am so thankful I have my children to take to school and that they are healthy and happy, Thank you Jesus!!!
The picture of the roses above are the flowers Kevin gave me on our Anniversary--so pretty. My Grandmother's daughter (my Aunt) is visiting from Chicago, so they have been so busy, we have not been able to go and visit, which is weird for us, not going for the day at least once a week. Hopefully we can visit soon. As I said in my earlier post it is hot---I was tempted to turn on the air --but by dinner time the breeze from the ocean was cooling off the house so nicely, I just couldn't do it...LOL.

These are the sale ads I got yesterday---I am going to look through them and do some store hopping tomorrow...LOL. Tonight I am making chicken, a whole chicken baked in the oven--I also have some fresh corn on the cob--yummy!!! Last night we ended up having tacos, and I made a double batch of ground beef, so we will have enough for the next taco night, which happens to be my husband's favorite dinner--(Besides Steak and lobster..LOL)
My notebook is out and I am going to start on a new list of things I have to do and want to get done---I think I am also going to make a menu--and go through my cookbooks, like my Mayberry cookbook and find some new recipes---I think I have fallen into a cooking routine, I am making too many of the same things over, so I think we need a little change---and fall is coming, I can not wait to start buying pumpkins...LOL...okay, well I am going to get a cup of coffee ---xoxoxox
I'm glad your family is all back together again!! Isn't that a good feeling? My children started school yesterday, sigh... where did the summer go? Yes, I agree, 6:30 is insanely early to load everyone up to go to school. I sure hope you get his first class at 7:40!! But you are right, Thanks be to God that we have children to take to school!!!!!!! =)
ReplyDeleteMy son doesnt start school until Sept 4th. In the States you start really early, wow! :)
ReplyDeleteI like your flowers too, very pretty :)
Have a great day, sweet Julieann.
My boys go back on Aug 27. I wish they would wait until later in the year mid Sept to start.
ReplyDelete6:40 -- Good Grief!! That is waaaay too early to start classes! Jake's Homeroom is at 8:15 and I think his first class is at 8:30.
We have the largest county per square miles in WV but the least people so we only have 1 high school in the whole county. lol
Some of the kids get on the bus at 6:00 am and don't get off the bus until 8:00 am. It makes for a very long day.
Have a blessed day!!
School here doesn't start till Sept. 4th, the day after Labour Day. I was very glad to start that late when we moved here, and promptly declared our homeschool would operate on the public school schedule! ;)
ReplyDeleteThe public schools here start later in the day also. I'm not positive, but I think they start at 9:00. We lived in a townhouse for the first couple of years, and the kids didn't head out to school till after 8:30 each morning, which just amazed me. When I was in school, our classes started at 8:15, and the only ones who came in earlier might be band or sports teams who needed to practice before school. I wouldn't like 6:30 at all! I hope you can get that changed.
6:40am? That is way early! I hope you can get the class changed.
ReplyDeleteYour anniversary roses are beautiful, what a sweet husband you have!
I hope you enjoyed your coffee...I had a cup in the middle of the afternoon today. :0)
Hi Julieann!
ReplyDeleteI agree that 6:40 is way too early. I'm not even up at that time.
Have a great visit with your Aunt.
Happy Thursday to you as well.
I think it's interesting that your school waits until Sept. 4th to start. To me that's very traditional (and I like it!). The south seems to be pushing more and more to start at the beginning of August. (Though in Florida, after a few years of that they moved it back to late August. My dad's a crossing guard, so I keep up with the school schedules in Florida ~ lol!)
ReplyDeleteRegarding the time of day school starts ... When I started high school in 9th grade [many moons ago! ;o)], my classes began at 6:45. But only for that one year. I just remember being dead tired during first period every day that first year. And it was *so* dismal because it was dark outside!
Why so early? Well, the school had been on double sessions for the previous 3 years. With over 6,000 students attending during those 3 years they had to split the kids up. The 11th and 12th graders went very early (about 6:30 am) and finished around noon, while 9th and 10th graders started around 12:30 and went until about 6:00 pm.
The year I started a new school had just opened. My high school had dropped back to just 4,000 students, but had kept almost the same start time. (I think perhaps they had not sorted out the bus schedules.) By the next year they moved first period back to about a 7:30 start time. At least the sun was coming up by that time! ;o)
I hope Tony is able to get a later start time for his first class!!
I noticed you had fresh corn ... have you noticed there's not as much of it in the stores this year and the prices have gone up? We've been buying ours at a farmer's stand (about 1/2 the price of the stores).
Sorry I'm so chatty this morning! Hope you have a wonderful weekend. :o)
Hi Jodi---I know where we live that may be the reason why some classes start so early--so many students. I think the school system sometimes forgets we are talking about teenagers--I know my son would rather start later and get out later then go to school at 6:30. I would not mind ---Years ago I used to go to work at 5:30--and I was done by 2---my body totally adjusted to it. I am just thinking of the kids--the baby, Alexis and Tony---that is just too early.
ReplyDeleteAs for the corn--Ralph's Grocery store had them 10 for 2 dollars--that was the best price so far.
I think the school system has early classes for the convenience of families where both parents work. But, when my children were teens not so long ago, they were fond of quoting all of the articles in the news that talk about there being some biological reason why teens can't adjust to early rising as well as adults can. I suppose this might apply to younger ones, as well, but the articles always seemed to be about teens.
ReplyDeleteI agreed with Jodi's comment that the South is on a trend to start the first day school earlier and earlier in the year. The kids around here have already been back at school for a week or two. It seems a little wacky to start in the dog days of August, as the schools have had to go down to half days here in TN because of the extreme heat. Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until after Labor Day and let out a little later in the spring? I'm sure there's some reason that the school board has in mind that I just don't know about.
Anyhow, all of us and our kids survive -- no matter what the schedule is in our particular neck of the woods!