Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Friday is Here!!!

First off, my prayers are with the people in Florida, a tornado went through central Florida this morning and the news says there may be more (((Prayers)))

My daughter had a jog-a-thon last Tuesday, I took 42 pictures (oh dear)--I am not going to post all 42 pictures, just 2. Here is my daughter posing for the camera:

..and here is an action shot:
She ran 39 laps and was the second fastest---I could not believe how fast those little legs could go:)
Her class had to wear white shirts.
I took two of the pictures and framed them, and on the outside of the frame, I put Jog-a-thon, 2007--and hung it in the entry way of our home, so every one can see my little runner:) Oh, I just adore being a mother, what a wonderful feeling to see your children do something they are so proud of.

Today is Friday--woohooo, my son had finals all week, so there is no school today for him, my daughter has an art class called *Meet the Masters* today, I am room mom, so I will be there for that.

I am going to sort out my laundry, darks, lights, whites, and towels today. I washed my kitchen towels yesterday, so they are all nice and clean for the coming week. With 4 people laundry adds up after 1 day.


Thursday's Dinner:
Summer Chicken
Roasted potatoes and carrots
Green Beans
My Dinner Rolls

Tonight's Dinner:
I have left over chicken, so I may make Chicken and dumplings--we shall see:)

Have a safe and warm Friday------>Check out some of the blogs in my sidebar--they are such wonderful blogs, and they sure have a way of motivating me everyday. Leave a comment, so I can visit your blog too:) I love checking out new blogs xoxox (((Gentle Hugs)))


  1. How neat that you are your daughter's room mom. I always enjoyed it when my mom was mine. Hopefully when we have a little kid, I can be the room mom. I bet it is really rewarding.

  2. Your daughter is too cute. I am new to the blogging world. Just joined this week. I have enjoyed reading your blog for a while now. We are the same age so I thought that was neat. Come by and say hi!

  3. What a great idea to hang the
    T-shirt up for everyone to see. Your daughter is cute.

    Your menu sounds yummy. What is summer chicken?

  4. Your daughter is so cute. I think I found your blog through Chrissy. I read your comment about not being able to participate on the Valentine's idea. I hope you change your mine. Even if you don't write about your wedding day, you can write about your beloved or your first year of marriage, etc. I have enjoyed reading through your blog. Blessings with your new little one being formed in your womb.

  5. She is such a cutie, Julieann! I love the new look. Pink and gray look great together.

  6. Thank you everyone:)

    Shereen, I just may do that for for the Valentine's post:)


  7. Oh, I forgot to say--Jenny I am so glad to see a comment from you, I hope things are going well with you, my friend.



Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me