Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Baby Hat, Menus and Chatter

What a morning---Tony's highschool did not inform me in any way that the school bell schedule had changed for the new semester, and it looked like they did not inform a lot of parents. He usually starts at 8:20 on Monday's now he starts at 7:40---he missed his first class--which was P.E. Okay, so then I get that all straightened out, and I come home and get Alexis all ready for school--that went smoothly---I don't like surprises like that---I am not one for being late, so it upsets me when I am and it could have been avoided. Okay, whew, thanks for listening to that. As I always say, if that is the worst that has happened, I think we are okay.

On Sunday I made this little baby cap, I had bought yellow before I was even pregnant--I am going to make a blue one next, I do have blue yarn:) I so need to finish my afghan too.

My Afghan that I need to finish: Yesterday it was 80 degrees, it was so pretty outside. I hung my birdseed feeder outside, let's see if the birds come. I also brought my parakeets out in the sunshine, oh, did they sing.


Friday Dinner:
Hamburgers on the Grill

Saturday Dinner:
BBQ Chicken on the Grill <---- I did the grilling, so Kevin could watch the game. Corn on the grill Steamed Rice Salad

I hope everyone who has stopped by has a blessed and warm Monday xoxox


  1. Me too Julieann! Being late is one of my pet peeves. It drives me nuts!

    The baby cap is precious! You must be getting so excited to see and hold your newest little one!

  2. I am one who always has to be on time also. I love the baby hat...gets me in the mood for Spring!

  3. I found your blog via a comment you left on Mrs. B's blog. I've enjoyed "browsing"!

    Have a great week! :)

  4. WOW 80 DEGREES, Julieann!!! I can't believe it...LOL Here it was 0 this morning, and that was before the wind chill was factored in. YIKES!! It must be beautiful over there. I cannot wait for Spring.

    That's too weird about the school schedule change and not being notified.


  5. Oh what a very pretty hat and afghan! 80 degrees! That must be really nice, it has been below zero here in Chicago and now it is very cold and snowing. Have A Blessed Day!

  6. The hat and afghan is so cute!! I am working on an afghan for one of Levi's teachers that is having a baby soon!

    80 degrees!!! Wow!! We got 8 inches of snow last night!! Yesterday morning when I got up it was -6 dergees BELOW ZERO!!! BRRRR


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