Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday, Monday, Monday

Playing around on my blog---I have come across a few blogs lately that are so precious. I do not like this format too much, I mean it is nice, and I am able to write my thoughts but I want it to look more girlie girl with pretty pictures and such. I am pretty good on the computer, but I just can not figure this blog out----It will not let me space my paragraphs--WHY???

  • Maybe these little circles will help--LOL
  • Kevin did not place in his competition this weekend, but that is okay, we had a lot of fun.
  • After the dinner, I excused myself to the restroom--well a lady that was sitting at our table used the bathroom, and then left ---she didn't wash her hands--ewwww. How can someone not wash there hands????
  • I went to the grocery store and bought some needed things, like detergent. I bought the new tide, lavendar with matching fabric softener---oh the bottles are so pretty
  • I am making another pot of homemade pea soup--yummy
  • The day has gone rather quickly, it is already 3:00.
  • I will putter around my beautiful home, and do some cleaning and organizing. The house is pretty clean, but the bedding needs to be washed, and the toilets need to be cleaned---how often do you all clean your toilets? Even if they look spotless, I still clean them. My Grandmother said, she has never seen toilets look so clean..LOL----I learned form the best:)
  • I really want to order some books, but I am not sure if I will even be here----
  • Did I mention, the children's Bible I bought, oh it is precious and it is so easy for my daughter to understand, she loves it and can't wait until I read it to her each day.
  • It is a beautiful day here in Georgia----the sun is out and the birds are singing--now if those huge flying bugs would just stay out of my way...LOL
  • You all have a wonderful day--->xoxoxoxoxo

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