Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Happy Saturday

It is a beautiful day here Georgia. Kevin is at his competition, I hope he wins. I am waiting for his call to see how did.

I have been looking online for houses in San Clemente, Ca----Oh my goodness, it is so expensive. When we lived there last year, our rent was 1,000--now I can not find anything for under 2,000---and the places are so small too. I would never be able to find a beuatiful home like the one I have here that we could afford-buy or rent:( I guess, I should mention Kevin wants to go back to California, I am so broken hearted about this decision, but I don't have a choice, so I have made peace with it, even though, I think I am entitled to a pout or two.

We have a special dinner to go to tonight at his company, and they will announce the winners from this morning--I hope he wins---the prize is money--woohooo! I have not decided what to wear yet---I know it will be a dress, but which one??? LOL.

Tony will be home on Thursday--I am so happy to have him back home. I know all his friends miss him too, and his little dog:)

Alexis, is such a good girl---a total girlie girl--just like her mom..LOL She has asked me to get her ears pierced---ummmmm---I don't think she realizes what it actually means. I think I will take her to see it done. I told her I really want her to wait until she is older to make such an important decision. We shall see:)

BUGS----I have never seen so many different kind of bugs in my life, since I have been in Georgia----such big flying things, especially at night, around the porch light--ewww.

I still have not figured out how to space my paragraphs on this blog--it is very frusterating--it looks so nice when I type it out, and then when I publish it, it looks different--ugh!

I will let you all know what happens tonight on Sunday---I am sooooooo hoping he wins:) You all have a great Saturday!!!! xoxox

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