Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Kevin had his Well Checkup today.  His "New" Ped has a son that has Nut allergies, he "Gets" it.........It is so hard not keeping your child in a bubble when they have so many allergies......Home is safe......On the outside, I may seem pulled together, but on the inside my mind is working overtime being aware of everything around us.....I am scared, I am scared of letting go...letting him go to school...I am scared.....I just feel like crying about this.  He asked me again today, if he will ever be able to have a nut, and I said, "No, Never."  He then said, "Mama, can you have nuts?"  ...and I said, "No, Kevin, we are in this together."


  1. I'm so sorry. Us moms always worry about our kids, especially when you deal with something like this.

  2. Julieann, that is a sweet thing to say and do for your little boy. I'm glad you have a pediatrician who "gets it."



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