Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Hey There!

I hope all is well with everyone who stops by my little blog:)  I have been writing here for many years.  I hope one day to print this all out.....I so wish I had something like this to read from my mother.  I wish I knew my mother better.  My memory of her fades.....and I can just ask questions to people who knew her things that I forget.  I remember she had a gentleness to her..she always seemed very fragile to me.  I wish I could have told her that it was okay. 


It has been very cold here.  It gets cold in Cali, but here in Georgia it gets REALLY cold!!!  Teeth chattering

My kids have dental cleanings tomorrow...and then on Friday I have another Doctor appointment.  Three Doctor appointments in a week.....That is quite enough for me...LOL.

Tonight's dinner was hamburger and french fries.  I also made a side of green beans and a salad :)
The kitchen is all clean and all ready for a new day tomorrow.

I will continue writing in this blog, but I put a poll on the side, wondering if I should do some vlogs too.  I think I write better than video, but I really enjoy other peoples vlogs, I was wondering if I should add them here too.  I don't know, it is just a thought :)  We shall see......


  1. I'm a faithful reader, but not always such a good commenter. I've been so busy lately!
    I wish I had something like this to read from my mom too. She passed away 10 years ago, so I had her for much longer than you had your mom. I wish blogs had been around when my kids were young, so I would have documented more of their childhood too.
    I like an occasional vlog. It would be nice to hear your voice.

  2. Same here! Lots of reading, few comments. Shame on me. I think I commented when you did the one vlog that I'd love to see more. How about a vlog tour of your new house? You cook so much, you should do a cooking segment, even. If I don't read anything else during my online time, I always, always pop in to see you!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me