Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Grocery Shopping :)

Hello ....I thought I would take you shopping with me:)

I always park next to a cart corral.  A pet peeve of mine is when people do not put their carts away and leave them in the parking lot.  They can roll away and hit a car.....

I went shopping at Publix

Look at all the carts...they are Cali, they are outside :)
Cheese!..great variety.
They have a very nice produce section....they tried selling wheat grass...but I was the only one that bought it, so they stopped.  It wasn't a good sell for them, but I appreciate that they tried for me.
JUICES!!!  I look at the ingredients and recreate the juice with my juicer at home ....
I wanted some avocados, but they were very over I passed.
BEAUTIFUL tomatoes!!!
Part of the meat section...I don't normally buy meat here, we usually stock up on meat from Costco and Walmart:)  There are times, on occasion that I do pick something up though.  They had a really good deal on roasts and chicken breasts the other day, so I picked some of that up.
I needed some trash bags......I bought Publix brand here..I usually get them Walmart, but I really needed some.
Cheez-It's, buy one get one free!  Do you see the Goldfish...I think that is a staple in anyone's home, that have kids...LOL...
Kevin looking at the toys......
He wants a Dream Lite :)
My husband loves Coke...LOL..I just noticed he is in front of Pepsi...LOL...My husband doesn't like Pepsi.....
AHHHH, a little bit of heaven for me, coffee new favorite flavor is Sugar Cookie.......
47 degrees at 10:32 in the morning.....brrrrrrr....
It was funny...there was not a lot of people shopping, but the ones that were their, were giving me odd looks as I was taking pictures...LOL...It was funny.......

I think I had an extreme couponer behind me in line, she was talking about how the 10 conditioners she was getting should ring up free with her coupons and the sale...she had two carts, and I so wanted to stay and watch, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.......

I hope you enjoyed shopping with me...after I got home, I realized I forgot to take a picture of my shopping time, I will do that.

Last night's dinner we had take out BBQ:)
The night before that we had, pork chops, macaroni and cheese, peas and a salad........

Have a wonderful Thursday, Coffee time !

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed "shopping" with you. I, too, am a coke drinker - much preferred over pepsi.


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