Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Violin Concert!

Alexis had a Violin Concert last night.
I put her hair in a ponytail and put ribbons in her hair.

This is her all ready to go in her new dress.

She played beautifully. The lighting is super bad in the assembly room that she played, with my camera, my camera never gets good pictures, always so dark. A friend took a few pictures at the school, and said she will email them to me. If I get them I will share them:)


  1. She looks very pretty! LOVE the ribbons. (o:

  2. She looks so pretty. She is growing up so fast :D

  3. Beautiful! And what a lovely skill to have :)

  4. She is growing up FAR too quickly!!!

    My Elizabeth plays violin, too!! I'll bet her concert was beautiful!!!

    Mrs. U


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