Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, February 12, 2010


I am so happy it is Friday and the kids are off for four days, YaY! I walked my mile this morning. Now, I am in the kitchen working. Cutting up veggies, cooking things to freeze. On my stove right now, I am making Homemade chicken noodle soup. It is a super day and I feel so blessed for my family and the life God has given me. Do you ever have those days where you are just so happy. I am so thrilled to be a wife and mother. I just wish I could organize my time better for more blogging. I love to blog and read all my favorite blogs too:)
Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. I'm putzing in the kitchen here too. My kids are also home for four days. We're having cold damp weather and I'm loving it. Yes, all is right with the world today!

  2. Your day sounds just great to me! I bet your kitchen smells wonderful with your soup cooking! I just spent some time with my sister teaching her to crochet. Now I will look through my cookbooks to find that special sweet something to make for Valentine's Day! Happy Friday!


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