Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, July 03, 2009

Hamburger Buns

I made Crystal's Hamburger Buns yesterday, and they came out so nice. The recipe was pretty similar to my dinner Roll recipe:)

What a happy little dough all risen

Side view

All done~~~~Yummy!

I am day two of my sourdough starter, it looks good today (Crossing fingers)


  1. lurker here butread daily :) How do you make cream cheese?

  2. Hi Julieann!

    Oh my goodness those look soooo good! I am going to get the recipe right now and try these myself!

    Is it not a wonderful thing to be able to stay home and create wonderful things for our precious family!

    Oh Julieann I am also making Sourdough Starter....I am on my sixth day and all looks well so far (I pray) I posted pics of my progress on my blog @
    I do have to tell you that on day 4 thru 6 the smell is not so nice! LOL!

    I'll check back to see how everything went for you!

    God Bless You & Your Family!

  3. Hi Anon:) The recipe is in the post below this one. It is basically just yogurt put in to a cheese cloth in a colandar over a bowl, put it in the fridge over night and let the liquid drip from it. In the morning you have cream cheese in the cheese cloth:)



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