Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am determined!

I have sooooooooooooooooooooo much laundry to do---I mean tons--I would take a picture but I wouldn't be able to fit in, in one shot...LOL.

I am going in, wish me good laundry vibes...LOL.

How did my laundry get so out of control?

Please leave a comment if you did or are doing laundry today.

I will be back :o)


  1. I am doing laundry right now Julieann, I just love Laundry, I do it almost everyday :)
    happy laundry day

  2. i do laundry every day!!!! with 7 children how can i not ? lol

  3. I used to do laundry every day, now that I only have 1 kid home I do it every other day. Today I have the day off from work so am doing some extras - towels and sheets.

  4. I'm washing Mister's work clothes today. :)

  5. I, like the others, do laundry every day too. I LOVE the smell of the kids clothes-all clean and downy fresh!!

  6. My laundry is ALWAYS out of control. Hope you get it all done soon.

  7. Shelly--I do laundry everyday (mostly)..but some how it just got away from me and grew.

    I can't use all those smelly fun and wonderful laundry products any more--I broke out sooooo bad from the lavendar one and little Kevin is very sensitive--I do have them and when I can I do wash the others in it sometimes, but it is hard ---

  8. You DO know what I do for a living, don't you? Actually I'm a professional laundry service, cleverly disguised as a family day care provider.
    Any day that I do less than 6 loads of laundry is considered a "good" day.

  9. We are empty nesters. So I took a few days off from laundry. Now it is starting to pile up. tee hee. But there is always
    tomorrow. No I think I will
    go thrift shopping! lol
    Pamela in OH

  10. I love thrift shopping!!!! You have to share your finds Pamela.



  11. I used to have laundry everyday, but since Eric and Matt do their own I don't have to wash everyday. I did have small one load today. Tomorrow I will be washing mine and my husbands towels.

  12. I try to do laundry everyday, but it always seems to pile up. I have a load to fold in the dryer and a load waiting to dry in the washer. Have you ever had to re-wash a load because it sat too long in the washer? LOL

  13. I have laundry today too. Hope you conquer your laundry pile. :-D

    Have a blessed and productive day!

  14. Let's don't talk about laundry. The dryer that came with this rental died last night. With a load of wet clothes in it and another load in the washer waiting to be dried. The owner says it will take 10 days to 2 weeks to get a repair person out here. We move in 10 days so guess who is going to be dragging out the German clothes line I bought years ago when we were stationed in Germany. I refuse to go to a laundremat. The thought of drying my clothes where someone else had dried there clothes just grosses me out.

  15. I use to have 1-2 loads a day, now that its just Kiera and I its about 2 loads a week. I love summer its so little. Winter, well winter is more.

    I know you will get it all done. :)

  16. I didn't do laundry today but I have to say, I really enjoy housework but laundry is one of the worst chores on my list for me! I feel so much better when it's done and put away! :)

    Have a great rest of the week!

  17. Mountains of laundry end? i didn;t know that!!! LOL Mine never seems to have an end


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