Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Decade of the Waltons

I put this two hour special of a decade with the Walton's in order on my blog---I just adore the Walton's!!!
I hope you will enjoy this too!


  1. Oh the memories! I used to watch this all the time when I was young!

  2. I'm so looking forward to watching these! What a wonderful treat!

  3. Oh I just love the Waltons, why oh why do they not have those kinds of shows on TV anymore. So sad right. It would be better for the children today to watch nice shows like The Waltons, Little house on the Prairie:)

  4. I STILL love the Waltons!

    I wanted to marry John ( NOT John-boy) when I was younger! The way he would look at his children had me convinced he would be the perfect daddy for MY kids. lol...
    I bought series 1, but the others will just have to wait. :-(


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