Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spaghetti Bake!

Last week, I was visiting Kelli's blog and she had made and posted a picture of a spaghetti dish--it looked wonderful. Sometimes, I will blog hop in need of a dinner idea--and this was just what I needed. I looked over the recipe and there were some ingredients I did not have on hand, like the cream----so I improvised and made a spaghetti bake of my own. I am also going to link to Kelli's spaghetti dish--because it was her post that inspired this post:)

I used one of my large baking dish and I smeared the bottom with spaghetti sauce (half a jar)--you can use what you like jar or homemade--I do both--this time I used jar.

I then browned some ground beef with some onion and drained the grease, I then added a whole jar of sauce--and let it simmer awhile.---I used spaghetti noodles broken up and cooked them just until they were al dente--then I added the drained noodles to the beef and sauce mixture.

I did not have cream so I made a bechamel sauce--and I know how much my husband prefers cheddar cheese to any kind of white cheese--so I added cheddar cheese to the white cream sauce---yes, just like the cheese sauce you would probably make for macaroni and cheese :)

Ricotta--I took a tub of ricotta and added the egg and parsley

After I smeared the bottom with spaghetti sauce I put a nice layer of the noodle mixture in the dish
I then spread the ricotta over the noodles

added the rest of the noodles and poured the bechamel sauce over those
I covered it with foil and baked it about 40 minutes at 350 degrees and then when my hubby was just about to walk in the door I topped it with mozzarella cheese and put it back in the oven on high until the cheese was bubbly and turning golden brown
Enjoy--we sure did!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Glasses and Other Fun Things

My vision has always been poor--when I was in my twenty's my eyes seemed to be in the best shape--I could go days without ever needing my glasses--now, I wear my glasses more times then not---SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO---on Saturday, I went to my eye doctor and got my eyes checked again---I take Tony every year, but I am not so diligent with myself--but I knew I needed to go, when I went looking for my glasses and I was already wearing them. My vision changed just a bit, and I picked out such pretty frames, they should be ready today or tomorrow and I will show you. I used to wear contacts in high school--so I am going back next month and I am going to get fitted for contacts too--so I am excited:) I have vision insurance, so it only cost 50.00 as apposed to 546.00---OUCH!!! The contacts and fitting will cost 50.00 so that is okay.

Go to they are giving away a free 5 pound bag of dog food or a free 4 pound bag of cat food---it is a coupon that you print out and take it to the pet store---hurry it expires at the end of this month.

Lowes has hummingbird feeders on sale for $1.86---this is what it looks like--->

I don't know why I took this picture at a such an odd angle--oops.

Last night we had baked chicken, fried rice, corn and a salad. Tonight, I have a beef roast in the oven and I will make mashed potatoes to go along with it with some gravy--and salad. I am going to boil the chicken carcass and make stock and pull off all the leftover meat for a later use.

I am playing catch up on laundry again.

I am going to record the Duggar wedding tonight, it comes on at 10.00--I think I missed it when they first showed it--but I am excited to see their first kiss--how sweet is that??!!.

...and Jon and Kate plus 8--WoW--that house is Glorious---HUGE----Beautiful. I do have to tell you about Jon and Kate---my blog gets more hits for the Monkey Crunch recipe then any other topic, especially if the Monkey Crunch episode is on TV--my blog is just filled with people looking for that recipe---I can't make it any more, because of the peanut butter and my sons peanut allergy--but I am glad that recipe is so popular, it really is yummy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am going to go grocery shopping after Kevin wakes up from his nap--I have lots of produce to get. After I finish typing this, I am going to clean the inside of my fridge, so it is nice and clean for the new grocery's. I also, am going to do some laundry and hopefully put away the pile of clothes waiting to be hung up.

It is really chilly in the morning and then it warms up during the day. I have lots to post about, but I really need to get the fridge done, before Kevin wakes up---I also want to come and visit all of you--I so enjoy your blogs, so fun--What did we all do before Blogging?

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I got this 4 pound ham on a manager special for 2.99---as you can see, I ripped off the price, wanting to know what the original price was, but it was not there, but I know this was a good deal--I cut each ham in half--and then I froze them (I bought 5) Then with one of the halves I put it in my Cuisinart and sliced it--it looks just the deli:) Look at this ham all sliced up and ready to go--I love ham and so do my kids--so now they will be able to have nice ham sandwiches:)
After, I finished up with the ham--I made Dinner Rolls.
Dinner tonight is going to be roasted chicken with all the fixings!
( Whole Chicken was also on sale for .49 cents a pound--Yay)


Yay--it is raining!!! I sooooooo enjoy the rain!

Happy Friday!

Show and Tell!

Happy Friday! Today is Show and Tell over at Kelli's.
I want to share a wreath in progress--it is always changing. I bought this wreath at Michael's years ago on sale for 1.50--and every holiday it gets a new look. I bought this vine at Walmart for 3.00 and the flowers at Michael's for 1.50--so if you add it up--it cost me 6.00. It really is much prettier in real life:)

Thank you so much for coming by my blog. Please if you have not already done so, Hop on over to Kelli's and play along. I won't keep you---I know there are many blogs to visit

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Haircut Day Pictures!

We got Little Kevin's haircut while my SIL and nephew were here The only appointment I could get was at 10:00a.m.--right at nap time--he was pretty good though--a little touch and go at times--but he did good:)


After it was all done---we took him to the little play land---that is my SIL--she is such a doll--one of my favorite people in the whole world!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Thank You!

To our Dear, Sweet, Wonderful President--President Bush--I will miss you---Thank you so much!!!

My Family is so very sad to see you go!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


I can not believe it is Friday already. Can you also believe it has been in the 80's all week---I have been doing a bunch of things in preparation for our company. My SIL and her nephew will be visiting tomorrow for 5 days--all the way from Georgia! I am so excited, but I have a lot of things I want to get done before hand so I can relax while they are here!

Little Kevin is getting his first haircut this weekend--it is about time, huh?

I have soooooo ENJOYED my de-lurk post---you all are the best and thank you so much for playing:)

Well, got to get another load of laundry going--Happy Friday!

Monday, January 12, 2009

National De-Lurk week

Tatersmama says so!

So I am posting a de-lurk post!

So please play along---you can stay anonymous and just hi--or you can give me your name and I will say hi! Please join in national de-lurking week--How Fun

::::::::::::::waiving to everyone:::::::::::::::::::::::::::

If you all have a blog, I am so excited!!
I will be right over!

If you don't that is okay too--I adore my Non-Blogging friends too!

*A de-lurk post is to have everyone that visits have a chance to say something in the comment section. I have a nice number of visitors, and I would love to meet you all:)


I have no idea how to title this post--but look at what I found on my shelf----I can not believe this. This is the last thing I have from my beloved store in Georgia---ALDIS. Now what do I do with it? It is dated to use by July 2008---I don't want to part with a sweet memory of Georgia---

This is actually an intro to my post--I am doing a complete over haul of my pantry--I am going to go through both my fridges--the one in the garage is the one I am more worried about --it doesn't get a lot of attention from me--I fear my dear friend that is staying with me has a few things to toss too--I noticed she has yogurt dated from last month--do I say anything or just let them age some more--I am just kidding--my kids know what shelf and drawer is hers so I know they won't touch it, but it is hard for my OCD self to keep from tossing it. I won't, I will mind my own business....I mean look at this can that I have...LOL.

Anyway, all joking aside, I need to do a major shopping trip and I have let my pantry get a little out of control--so that is what I am doing today---cleaning out/organizing and tossing my pantry/fridge goods. I will share my menu tomorrow--but tonight we are having most likely a pot pie---Maybe--I have not decided yet---

Totally off subject--Jon and Kate are moving and have you seen their new home---WoW!!!!!!!! ( I am talking about Jon and Kate plus Eight)

P.S. Ann, your comment made me giggle because it is sooooo true!!! I love all my Internet friends so much and would not know what to do without them, and my husband has gotten to know a few of my friends too...LOL. I also wanted to comment about another blogger mentioning how her husband comments on her taking pictures of everything--that made me smile too--My husband stopped asking me about my picture taking LOOOOOONG ago--he knows I have to share everything...LOL

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Show and Tell Friday!

Happy Friday

Once again it is Show and Tell--Kelli is hosting this so Please hop on over and visit her wonderful blog and play Show and Tell. I have found so many wonderful blogs joining in Kelli's Show and Tell.

Some of you know that I collect cows--or anything that has a cow on it , I love.
Maybe one day I will have a real, live cow--(Tee Hee)
This is a little Fisher Price flashlight----

you squeeze the handle and it moos as it lights up

..a little sugar bowl

This hangs in my kitchen

I made this

HA HA--look at this hand soap I found

another wall hanging

a tiny little cow just resting

Thank you so much for looking at part of my cow collection--I know you have many more blogs to visit, so have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Around the Home

Look at this adorable appointment book I got---on the back it was priced at 15.00--and they had them at the .99 cent store--- Cute little kittens on every page--my daughter just loves this book too. What little girl does not love kittens?

It is January here but it looks like Fall outside, all the leaves have turned and are now falling to the ground.

I remember as a child when I lived in Illinois--I would walk home in Oak Park from school and I had to step on every leaf...LOL. There aren't so many here that often as there were in Oak Park... Do any of you know of the elementary school called Holmes School? That is the school I went to until I came to California. I looked it up on the Internet and it looks so different from when I was a child--I remember walking home and always passing the Frank Lloyd Wright home..

Look at the little flowers starting bloom...

Remember this cabinet I bought? Well, I moved it into the kitchen for now---I am using it to store all my cookbooks and linens--and once little Kevin gets over his stage of pulling drawers out and trying to climb into this I will put it in my dining room--but for now, for Kevin's safety it has to be out of reach--I don't want it coming down on him.

I pulled out my ham bone from the freezer and a couple containers of beans--so I am going to put both in my crockpot---and then I took out some ground beef for a meatloaf. I am trying to use up a lot of the stuff in my freezer before I do my big shopping on Tuesday

...and this is the list maker I am using this week---I try and make the task of making a shopping list fun and organized. Have you all tried the list maker in my sidebar? That is a fun one too.

Alexis has an appointment with the dentist today--the nice one--I am changing everyone over to the new one. When I took Alexis to the dentist last month for her cleaning--the not so nice dentist came out and asked me about little Kevin's teeth. I told her that I went with my Pediatrician's suggestion and go to someone else who could do the work with out putting him to sleep because Little Kevin was just too small to do that. Do you know what this Dentist said to me??? She said--*Well, why don't you just continue to take Kevin to that dentist, because I don't want to be responsible for his teeth if they fall out* I could not believe that--so now--she is no longer our dentist!

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Happy Tuesday!My daughter made me this picture--I am going to frame it--it makes me smile when I look at it.

Well, things are gettingback to *Normal*---school has started back up....and I sure
miss my kids when they are there. Tony is doing much better in his studies with the new type of school he is going to--it is a one on one and an independent study thing--He pulled all C's on his report card--I am thrilled with these grades--and I think he is going to do even better next time!

I made a whole Chicken on Sunday and on Monday we had Chicken and dumplings--and tonight we are going to have pork chops.

Alexis is having a play date here with 2 little girls from school--so this should be fun. Alexis has Bible School today so it will be right after.

It is still quite cold here--

Happy Tuesday.

Dentist tomorrow, with the new one we like:)

My Bible reading--I am on Genesis 17

Saturday, January 03, 2009

This and That!--Saturday

Happy Saturday!
Thank you all for looking at my Show and Tell yesterday---I had a lot of fun making that dress---it was I think about five or six years ago. I have continued to sew and I so enjoy it--but with a little toddler, I can't do it it as much as I should.
All the Christmas decorations came down yesterday---I don't know about all of you, but I was not ready for this season to be over--I so enjoy Christmas and all the wonderful things that are involved in preparing for Jesus's Birthday. The lights all over the house made me smile. Look at my bare dining room---it will soon be decorated for Valentine's Day:) I have to keep the chairs around the table in the garage all day and put them there at dinner time--little Kevin likes to climb on them and climb on the table--and it gets hard to even to be able to go to the bathroom because he is quick--so I would rather it be completely safe ---I know it looks odd without chairs, but it won't be for too much longer. They are only small for such a short time.

My sister knows how I love to write everything down and make lists and have notebooks---she gave me this cute little Holiday notebook---so right now, I am adding all the addresses in it that I send cards out too---

Reminders of special people

Cute little Calendar section

Okay, do you remember last year, I made a goal to read my Bible in a year--well I gave it a good effort--but I have to be honest, I did not make it---after I lost the baby---I went totally off track for awhile, and just got too far behind to catch up---I still read my Bible but not like I wanted too. So this year--I signed up to receive emails everyday--and it has the chapters included into the email--so hopefully this will help me do this. I am determined!!!!

Also, I have mentioned many times, I don't *DO* exercises--well, I do walk everyday--and I now have been walking a mile everyday, before it wasn't as far--(and sometimes 2 miles)----unless it is pouring down rain or my kids are sick--I walk every single day--I get my heart going which in turns helps my metabolism going. I actually lost 2 pounds:)...and Little Kevin LOVES the buggy ride. I have to admit, I am feeling better and my waist is looking better too...LOL.

It is super cold outside today---I did my walk and then did my grocery shopping--Little Kevin is now napping so, I am going to put my Roast in the oven for tonight's dinner---I usually do Roasts on Sunday, but I have a whole Chicken for dinner tomorrow instead. I am working on Laundry and getting ready for the week coming--vacation will be over on Monday and Tuesday we have a play date, and on Wednesday Alexis has another Dentist appointment--and in 2 weeks from today My SIL will be here--YAY!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

*Show and Tell*

It is Friday already!

That means it is Show and Tell over at Kelli's Blog.

I have a beautiful sewing machine that my husband had bought me quite a few years ago--and slowly I have been teaching myself how to sew. This is the very first item of clothing I made--a dress for my little girl.. It is a very bright yellow--that I had purchased at Walmart--the whole dress had cost a total of about 3 dollars for me to make including the snaps--I used snaps, because I am very intimidated with button holes. My daughter loved this dress--she is too big for it now, but it will be kept for her for always:)
I tried to get a closeup of my stitching--don't look too close...LOL.

I have gotten a lot better---but there is nothing like your first completed dress!!
Thank you so much for looking. I always enjoy doing these posts. Please hop on over to Kelli's blog and play a long:)
Happy Friday