Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Next Day!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving---ours was awesome! Now, I am going to get out the rest of my Christmas decorations and put them up---I just love this time of year:)

Thank you for looking!


  1. Hi Julieann....great photos! It all looks sooo yummy! Makes me want Christmas to come quick...we had our TG the beginning of Oct.
    What is the green stuff in the crockpot?

  2. Hi Julieann,
    What fun to see all those picures, everyone looked so happy.
    The tree looked beautiful and the food looked yummy.
    happy weekend

  3. Ah ~ What great pictures! Looks like everyone had a great day, lots of laughter and tons of good eats. I love the little smoochie shot at the end! ;o)

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Looks like you all had a fabulous time with absolutely delicions food.

    I love all the pics, but enjoyed especially the one with Kevin at the head of the table and of course the cute smoochy one too!

    I decorated outside today, shopped and just put the tree up (artificial) but won't decorate it just yet. It's all lit in white lights very pretty :)

  5. Great photos, looks like you all had so much fun and the food is the best looking Iv'e seen so far. I cooked the giblet bag inside my turkey:(

  6. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I can see all your hard work and all looks so sweet and homey.
    Susan from Wooster Ohio

  7. Hi Heather:) The green stuff in the crockpot are turnip greens--a favorite of my husbands--I have pork hocks in there to give them extra flavor. You serve them with pepper vinegar--which of course you can not find in California, because it is a southern thing, so I have to make my own:)


  8. Mrs. Ruiz--I have cooked the bag in my Turkey/Chicken many is okay---we have all done it---I don't think it ruined the Turkey. Was yours okay?


  9. Thank you, each one of you for stopping by and looking at my pictures:) It means a lot to me to be able to share with all my friends here!


  10. Looks like you had a fabulous Thanksgiving meal.

    Your table looks so nicely decorated.

  11. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! And the food looks just delicious! I love the last picture of you and your husband!

  12. Wow Julieann, you really went all out! It was beautiful!! The tables were so pretty!

  13. Oh what a beautiful table and lovely food! It looks like a wonderful time. Kathi


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me