Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Have You Seen These?

My sister introduced me to these. They are filled with smelly liquid and the sticks get the liquid on them and they make the room smell so nice. This one is upstairs , it is Vanilla. If you notice the smell going away, you just flip the sticks around.

This one is in my bathroom--my bathroom is lavender, so this is the fragrance too---It smells so nice....and the best part---I got these at the .99 cent store----I think they look pretty cool. They smell really good too.


  1. I have never seen them, but I am going to start looking.

    Lavendar is my favorite scent these days.

  2. those are reeds and the liquid is scented oil.

  3. Yes, I have these too, they smell so nice. For my birthday though I got something called a Pod, its sort of like a candle but there is no flame. Its smells the house nice too. OH and you know what I did with my sticks after they were used. I tossed them and used really thin curly driftwood, it worked so good Julieann, Try it, you live near the beach too:)

  4. Anonymouse--Thank you---I couldn't think of a name to call the sticks, they kind of looked like skewers. The liquid, I thought was scented oil at first--but it isn't oily at all---it feels more like just water.

    Deezie--I will see if I can find the driftwood. :)

    Rhonda---I hear ya--I got a bottle of lavendar perfume and I am hooked now:)

    Thank you all for commenting--I love conversing back and forth with you all.


  5. I love these as well. I have a pumpkin one right now and it makes my house smell very fallish. I hope you have a great day!


  6. I have seen them, but don't have them yet. I will have to check out our dollar stores.

  7. I love them. The only thing that I found is that they attracted nats in my kitchen over my sink but I moved it and I have had no problem since.


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