Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I Am Reading!

I can not remember when exactly I came across it--but I remember my AOL news screen was talking about a certain blog--it will high light blogs every now and then, so I always like to check out new blogs--some blogs I really like, and some blogs I find I have nothing in common with and some just make me think---This one particular blog not only made me think, it made me cry and it continues to touch my heart every time I read it--I read it every day as this woman writes about her daily life as a wife and mother too--this beautiful woman has Scleroderma and the strength she has is just amazing--she is just an amazing lady---I wish I had just a touch of her strength some days---Please go over to her blog and please add her to your prayer list---I believe so much in the power of prayer!!!

Diary of a Dying Mom


  1. Im going right over to the blog you recommended. First I better get some tissue

  2. That was to sad to read. Death at such a young age is not fair

  3. I love reading blogs that remind you how lucky you are in so many ways. Here is one that is about an amazing woman that got sick as she was giving birth to her second child. She lost both feet, one hand and is blind now. Her story is amazing and so is her famiy, friends and husband. Another is a really good blog that is called NieNie Diaries and it is SUCH a good blog. NieNei is an amazing writer and blogger that was in a plane crash with her husband not too long ago in AZ. Her sister is now taking over her blog with re-posting oldies and on the side there is a button called "c md read c jane" that gives updates on nienie and her husband. Both are good reads also.


    Shoot. The 2nd one didn't post. Here is the link to it.

  5. Anonymous--Ohhh----What incredible stories----the first one had me in tears before I even went to the second one. Thank you for sharing those!!!


  6. Dear Julieann, I think you are a woman of great strength. I am sorry that I have been able to come and visit for a few weeks. So many things going on in my life that I just have not had time to sit at the computer for any length of time. It is so nice to be able to visit with you again.

    I will go and visit the blog that you suggested. Have a great day. connie

  7. Hello my friend:), Yes I made the monkey crunch and it is a huge hit in my house, the only bad thing is once you start eating it, it's hard to stop:). Oh I saw a "Fred" at Walmart I'm going to pick me up one on payday, I need to think of a name for it. I usually wait until the first weekend of October to decorate the outside with Halloween decorations but I think I will do it this weekend instead. PS. I love candy corn


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