Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Show and Tell Friday!

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Kelli at There is No Place Like Home, is hosting her Show and Tell---it is a wonderful Meme, so hop on over to her lovely blog and join in the fun! Thank you Kelli!

Today I am going to show you a little bird. She belonged to my Grandmother---my mother's mother--I never met her, she passed away before I was born--but this little bird sat on my Great mother's dresser, My Mother's Grandmother--did you understand that...LOL--well anyway, I used to play with it when I small, very small about 4 or 5--my Great Grandmother gave it to me--While My Great Grandmother, Grandmother and Mother are no longer here--I open up that little wing and smell the sweet smell of the perfume and for a moment it brings me back to those days:)
See how the little wing opens?

Thank you so much for visiting my Show and Tell!


  1. It never ceases to amaze me the different items people have. I have never seen a perfume bottle holder and certainly nothing like yours. That is a keeper!

  2. How unique!
    Kathy (

  3. I love it Julieann, what memories it holds for you, like ceekay said in her comment it is a keeper. I am glad to see that you visited me today on my blogger, oh how I love the sweet comments you make when you arrive, you are a sweetheart.

  4. That is the cutest bird. What did they keep in it? Hang on to that keepsake!

  5. How cute is that! and it was your Grandmother's! I love it, it's so precious :). I've never seen anything like it, I wonder what your Grandmother kept in it :).

    Have a Fantastic Friday!
    Kathi :)

  6. OOps--I am sorry everyone--I guess I wasn't very clear in my post--when you open the wing it is filled with perfume--the kind you would rub on...:)


  7. A tangible link to your heritage...that's what your little birdie is. It's not just it's being there either, it's that olfactory connection. It is so amazing that a certain sight, sound, smell, song or touch can instantly trigger the memory.
    Blessings on your weekend.

  8. Oh! he is so cute or is it a she!!! I have a little pettery bluebird like that too that someone made me. thanks for showing

  9. what a sweet story Julieann, It made me tear up. I love memories like that. Enjoy your sweet bird

  10. What a sweet treasure, Julieann! I think it is so neat that it opens up and holds perfume!

  11. Hi Julieann, Happy Belated Birthday. May the Lord bless your new year.

    I love your show and tell - such a treasure!! Thanks for showing it to us.

  12. What a cute little bird, and sweet memories with it! I've never seen anything like it before!



Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me