Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, January 18, 2008

It's FRIDAY!!!

I love Fridays just as much as I love Mondays! I did not post my dinner menu on the sidebar yesterday because we ordered pizza last night--we got it from the San Clemente Pizza Kitchen, it is sooo yummy--and best thing about pizza is no messy kitchen to clean up after a very busy day.
I did not stop yesterday once my feet hit the floor in the morning until I layed down in my bed. It was a wonderfully busy productive day.

Now, I have a date with the washing machine and dryer, and I have lots of little projects I want to do this weekend. It is sunny outside but still a little chilly.

I went to the Farmer's Market yesterday and bought all my fruits and vegetables---then this morning I stopped at Walmart and bought a few odds and ends that I needed--I just love that store ( another poster commented on her love/hate relationship with Walmart, I hear ya sister!!!)...LOL---I wish we had the full on grocery store in Walmart like we had in Georgia---I remember being able to stock my kitchen for under 100.00 dollars, now I am lucky to stock my kitchen for under 200.oo a week---California is so expensive. I finally found a pair of white keds in my size that tie---I am a size 5, and it is sometimes difficult to find them. I like them white, and if they get a scuff I have to wash them, isn't that terrible--LOL---I think little white keds with a sundress is cute and comfy---I like pretty things, feminine things--not bulky manly shoes on woman...LOL. Also, Polish--I like to paint my toenails, but the polish has to be fresh--if they start to chip I have to immediately take the polish off---right now my toenails are natural for that very reason--the polish started to chip, so zap, off the polish came..but it is pretty to see pretty toenails peeking through the sandal. Okay, I did not mean to go off on a tangent..LOL---I have a lot of really weird quirks--I will share them a little at a time--I am quite normal though, I assure you...;oP

I am going to make a little poll on my sidebar about grocery bills--please take a moment and vote--the voting is anonymous:)


  1. Julieann...I just love are too cute! I love reading about your daily adventures! Thanks also for the baby food post...great ideas!!! Have a great weekend!

  2. I love Keds, too! And I thought that I had small feet at a 6 or 6 1/2!

  3. Hi Julieanne. I had to giggle at the size of your shoe. 5's are hard to find.

    Kiera is wearing a 4 right now! She almost is up to you :)

  4. I do enjoy grocery shopping. I try to go early in the morning before it gets too crazy.

    I voted but wasn't sure if your poll included toiletries and such.

    Blessings ~

  5. I wish I could stock my kitchen for under $100! It's so expensive where I live.

    I love Keds too! My, you have a tiny little foot! :)

  6. I love those eat carry out / order food in nights where you odon't have to clean up the kitchen nor have a bunch of dishes.

    I have a small size 5 foot just like you.


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me