Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Most recently...

...I signed Alexis up for girl scouts--oh how happy she is. She is called a brownie right now---it is so exciting. As soon as Christmas is over Ballet will be starting for her too. She is getting her brownie uniform in 2 weeks, I will take pictures and share them here. It was 10 dollars to join and 40.00 for the uniform. For Christmas my grandmother is going to buy her a raincoat and boots---oh, I can't wait. She is one happy little girl. I have been all over San Clemente--I have lived here pretty much my whole adult life---but I had to drive up, up, up this hill to the brownie meeting--I did not know this neighborhood existed....LOL--who would have thunk it...LOL

...The holidays and family life is keeping me on the go. When night time comes around and all the kids(Littles) are tucked in and the kitchen is cleaned, I just fall into bed. I do read blogs to wind my day down--I don't always comment, but I am reading. I have also had to do the classroom newsletter---boy, that was hard to get done, especially when I knew I had to do it--but I wanted to play instead ..LOL--plus, have you ever tried to type with a wiggly baby? Kevin is napping right now--and then I will get Alexis shortly--and then Tony. Dinner is going to be pulled bb-q pork--I have to get my rolls done too.

A little giggle for all of you. I usually wear sandals---or little white slipons or keds, but the other morning was really cold, so I put these (other) warm shoes on, that required socks---I grabbed a pair out of my drawer--and slipped them on--well I had to get the kids off to school---and did not have time to change them, when I noticed a small whole in the toe--AHHHHH--I am so picky about socks--if they have holes they get tossed--well----I wore these with the hole--and I had to stop at another mother's home to create our Christmas party feast for the classroom--I am at her door and she asks if I would remove my shoes before I come in...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh--I knew that hole would haunt me...LOL.


  1. You are too funny...that is my worst sock nightmare come true!!! I can't wait until my girls are old enough for girl scouts. I loved it when I was young! Share with us her adventures!

  2. Everyone has a hole now and again. Don't worry about it. As someone who asks otehrs to remove their shoes, and as a mother who has children with very holey socks, I know I wouldn't have thought a thing of it.

  3. I love the sock story! When you least expect something like that!

    I'm sure your daughter will enjoy Girl Scouts. I was never a member, but have been principal at schools that had troops meeting in them. I have great respect for the work that organization does with and for girls and young women. AND--Of course I love me some Samoas! If you lived near me I would buy cookies from you! :-)

  4. I think Alexis is going to love Brownies! I remember really enjoying it...our leader really put alot of effort into it! Don't you hate that sock thing! I remember experiencing it too...kind of embarassing. :)

  5. Ahh...I've been stuck with a holey sock before too, Julieann!
    I'll bet Alexis is going to have so much fun being a brownie, I can't wait to see her in her uniform!

  6. ps...I'll see if I can find my brownie photo and post it on my blog hahaaha...should be good for a laugh!

  7. I lived aboard Camp Pendleton for years and often went to San Clemente and I so remember all those hills and hidden away neighborhoods.
    I got so very lost one time in some confusing neighborhoods, so I just kept driving west as best I could and I knew I would reach the the ocean and then I could find my way back home. It took about an hour but I finally got home :)


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