Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I was at the highschool all morning discussing Tony's future. Tony does not really enjoy school too much, (He loves the social aspect of it) and I really have to push him to get things done. We have come up with a plan so he can graduate on time and go on to college. It is so draining to be on him all the time---I tell him that he may hate me at times but in the long run when he is older he will be happy I did not give up. Tony is 15 and he is sooo smart---last year, I am not sure if you remember I posted he got the highest test grade on his final in English--he just does not see what every one else sees---he can do anything, be anything he wants to do--he can go to any college he wants too---He wants to get a little part time job, but every place wants him to cut his hair. I just hope this meeting has helped him and I will do more encouraging then I have---he really gets mad at me when I ride him about his studies, and it is hard when your teenager says they don't like you---::Sigh:::

I pray about this all the time.

Baby is up--be back shortly! :)


  1. Julie, it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with Tony and you're right, one day he will thank you for being on him.

    I think it's normal for all young adults Tony's age to not like school. I remember how scared I was at his age. I had no clue what I wanted to do upon graduation. My parents gently pushed me, I went to Purdue Universite and graduated 4 years later with a degree in Creative Writing. I'm so glad my parents supported me, and I'm sure Tony will be glad you supported him.

    Good luck! You're doing a great job!!


  2. Kudos on being an involved parent! So many today just go on about their business, and their children get left behind. Tony is very blessed that you see his potential, and are willing to go to bat for him, finding ways to make him successful.

    So, about the hair, and I do hope that I'm not being nosy. I know that your entire family has very long hair. Do you think it is morally wrong to cut it, or does he just not want to? Has he tried pulling it into a ponytail when he applies for a job? All three of my brothers have had (one still HAS) very long hair. In my opinion, it looks fine if it is pulled back and kept neat. The brother that still dons the long hair works in a chrome shop, polishing newly chromed pieces for custom built cars and motorcycles. He's good at what he does and makes great money, but there is no way that he could let his hair hang loose while working. it could literally get him killed if it were to wrap around the machinery.

    So, I'm just thinking, that being man, he will eventually NEED to get a job, and unless you and your husband think that it is wrong to have him get a haircut, perhaps he should. You know, everyone has to answer to someone, whether we like it or not. My son works at a local Dairy Queen, and the employees there may not keep any facial piercing in while they are working.
    The piercings didn't stop them from getting hired, but they do have to follow the rules.

    Anyway, I don't think I'm getting my point across how I want to, but maybe you'll get my drift. ;0)

  3. Hi,
    I hope you don't mind me stopping bye your blog, came over from Heather K's. My son sounds exactly like your son extremely bright, continuously getting top marks and awards and doesn’t see what the fuss is when I tell him he has the talent so he should use it. He is 16 and has 6 months to decide his future and what he wants to do. It is really so hard that at such a young age we must all make such a serious decision.

    About the hair - Shark (my son) also had long hair but then 15months ago he done a basketball reffing course and became a ref. He was told if he wanted to take the court the hair had to go and surprisingly he did what he was told, now we joke about it. I think it is a hard call for any employer to tell an employee to cut their hair but I guess that is life.

    Merry Christmas and Greetings From Me in Australia.

    P.S. Love your blog.

  4. Erica, Tracy and Melinda--THANK YOU so much for your encouragement--I appreciate it sooooo much!

    Erica, I tried going to your blog--but I couldn't get in--I totally understand being private though:)

    Tracy---isn't it funny---it is just a coincidence we all have long hair---I love my husband's long hair--and I just have long hair because, well--I am a girl...LOL---we are so surprised at how long Alexis's hair got---and Tony, I stopped pushing haircuts at about 13---I figure I am going to pick my battles--and soon enough he will no longer be a teen and have to cut his hair--My husband is lucky enough that his job doesn't care---YAY:) Thank you Tracy, you made perfect sense to me :O)

    Melinda, thank you for your kind words, I am glad you commented!!


  5. Sorry you are going through this.
    Sounds like you are a wonderful parent that cares about her son.
    Sounds like he is doing great at school though. Most kids/teens probably don't enjoy school.
    Don't know what to say about the hair other than I'm sure short is much better in many cases at many jobs.

  6. Julieanne.

    I have been through much of what you are going through now. I have some personal beliefs about the entire pushing teens that I won't say.

    However, you are doing a great job and although he may not like it, keep at it. Deep down he knows its because you care and love him.

    There are jobs where the long hair won't be much of an issue, other than tying it back for work. I think he has to come to terms with that all on his own.

    I agree with pick your battles.
    He's lucky to have a devoted mom. :)

  7. ((Julieann)) ~ No words of wisdom. Just a hug for my friend. :o)


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