Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Post.

Are you ever driving in your car or in a store and think of a new post to blog about? Or see something and think, I wish I had my camera with me to take a picture to share on my blog? LOL--Well, I do:)

That was just a thought I was having as I was driving this morning and the sky had a beautiful blanket of clouds---it was a beautiful.

Anyway, I am so undecided right now about our Christmas tree---for the past eight years we have had live trees--I like to put them up early, but then towards the end I get so nervous of a fire starting--so I am contemplating a fake tree--what are your opinions on fake verses live?

Also, I was at Costco yesterday and got diapers--Kevin is a size 3 now---so I got 224 for 37.00---woohoo--I am in diaper heaven ...LOL. I always wanted to try cloth--not for *Crunchy* reasons, but just to try them---I tried to be *Crunchy* But then I can't because I just love my cleaning products and other things, kwim? I do recycle though, and do other things to help;) OH, Costco was giving away a cookbook at the door--it is so nice--has anyone else gotten one?


  1. I like artifical trees, they are not nearly as messy as real ones and you can get good deals on them if you look around
    I put up 4 artificial trees in our living room yesterday, all have lights but only 2 are decorated.
    I think that once the decorations on, no one notices the actual tree, just the ornaments.

  2. I agree, the artificial is a better choice. Easier to maintain, and the real trees are more of a fire hazard, plus you have to make sure they have enough water.

    Growing up we always had live trees, but once I got married I bought an artificial one and never looked back, LOL!


  3. Nothing beats the smell of a real tree, but the dropping pine needles are definitely a pain! We've done both through the years. When Brittany was a newborn (12 years ago) I went to the super-duper after Christmas sales and bought a gorgeous tree at a great price. We still use it when we go artificial, and it's still beautiful. I didn't really answer your question, did I? ;o)

  4. We have an artificial tree, and have for MANY years. I love it. No mess to clean up, no fear of fire, etc. They really are pretty nowadays.

  5. I love a real tree, but to be honest its more economical to do artificial. Especially with the sales after christmas. Also you can put them up early. The other thought is if you get artificial and then want real the next year, you could put both up, in different rooms! I didn't help either. huh?

    I've done both, but with the house I'm in now and heaters on almost every wall, the artifical fits better.

  6. I have always used a real tree until a few years ago. I have to tell you that I love my artifical tree. I just did a post a few days ago with a picture of my tree with the lights only. They are less messy and they hold heavy ornaments better. I worked partime in an upscale Christmas shop and learned a lot about trees. Make sure you buy a good one. It will cost you a little more but it will be worth it. Also check how many tips or points are on it!
    And have someone show you how to shape it the right way.
    good luck!

  7. We've always had real trees, as DH really likes the smell and the fun of picking it out. I think we'll continue to do that, though I hear that the price of real trees will be extra high this year. You never know, though, what we may decide as we move further down the trail of being empty nesters.

    Since we do real trees, we don't buy one as early as some people do.

  8. That happens to me about blogging all of the time! (o:

    And I know what you mean about the cleaning products....I tried all of the 'natural' cleaners but they just don't work as well. I just love my Murphy's Oil soap and my Windex. (o;


  9. We've always had an artificial tree. I agree with Tracy. I like the no mess to clean up.
    We grew up having an artificial tree as my brother had terrible allergies.
    Don't ya just love those type of giveaways. I can always use a new cookbook. Enjoy.

  10. I am a artificial tree year the pine needles killed my vacummm....enough I said...and dh now I never have to worry about watering etc...and fire of pediatrician also said that if you have anyone with allergies in the house real is the worst...
    now blogging...things come up in my mind all the time..I just wish I could remember them...need to carry something to write a few key words or notes...haha.


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