Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Good Morning---I have more questions for you all:)

If you feel uncomfortable answering please feel free to skip:) I am just nosey..(LOL)

1. What is on top of your refrigerator?

2. Do you do laundry everyday or when needed?

3. Do you use a dishwasher or hand wash?

4. Are you a dress girl or a pants girl or a little of both?

5. Do you wear your hair up or down?

6. Before this blog, what was the last blog you were on?


  1. 1. A large basket that sometimes hides chips or special treats.

    2. When it's needed everyday - lol! If we skip a day, we're behind.

    3. Both, but mostly dishwasher. I'm lucky in that I have two pairs of dishwashing hands besides my own. (Pans and easily breakable things get hand washed.)

    4. Mostly dresses - Pants occasionally around the house (especially for cleaning and gardening).

    5. Twisted up and secured with a clasp. (Like a casual French twist.)

    6. My own! lol.

    ((Julieann)) hope your feeling well and rested. Only three weeks and one day! *I'm squealing like a little girl* ;o)

  2. How Fun!

    1. What is on top of your refrigerator? Nothing because our fridge is under cabinets.

    2. Do you do laundry everyday or when needed? You know you'd think with just the two of us I wouldn't have much laundry but the dogs add so much and then I'm quite picky about what I'll wash together. For instance, I won't wash my kitchen towels with anything else so that has to be a separate load, then their are dog beds to wash, our bedding once a week takes 3 loads and that doesn't even count clothes. I don't do laundry every day but I do it probably 4 days a week. LOL that's probably a more indepth answer than what you were looking for! (o;

    3. Do you use a dishwasher or hand wash? Both! I don't run my dishwasher daily so I wash pots and pans.

    4. Are you a dress girl or a pants girl or a little of both? Dresses only--it's my conviction and my husband's too. (o:

    5. Do you wear your hair up or down?I used to wear mine up or pulled back but now that it's shorter I mostly wear it down. Although today I have it pulled into a very small ponytail.

    6. Before this blog, what was the last blog you were on? LOL I was on Jodi's blog!

    This was fun Julieann, thanks so much! (o:

  3. 1. Nothing
    2. I do laundry everyday. One load!
    3. Dishwasher and hands if I run out of room
    4. A little of both
    5. down
    6. There is no place like home

  4. 1. Cereal, crockpot and all the tin foil/ziplock/plastic film/etc live on the fridge.

    2. I have access to a free-use washer on Sundays only... so, once a week I do my laundry. :)

    3. Cups/bowls and silverware go into the dishwasher. Pots and pans are handwashed.

    4. Capris? It's getting HOT around here. I do wear a skirt/dress all Sunday though.

    5. I like to wear my hair down, but the heat demands that I wear it up these days.

    6. On Meredith's Like Merchant Ships.

  5. Clever!
    1 - 2 flyswatters (not much can fit because there are cabinets above
    2 - Usually every other day
    3 - I fill the dishwasher first and then handwash what won't fit (or wait until the other load is done to reload)
    4 - pants - but dresses/skirts for church services
    5 - down (bangs and sides pulled up occasionally)
    6 - Fun with the ferber family

  6. Fun questions!!

    1. A potted plant is on my fridge
    2. Definitely a couple of loads every day
    3. As much as I can fit into the dishwasher, then handwash the rest
    4. I wear denim skirts and little t-shirts with some kind of design most days. Dresses for church and special occasions. Jeans when it's really cold!
    5. I almost always wear my hair down. I wish I were better and those pretty updo hairstyles, though!!
    6. I was reading Laine's Letters before I came over here!

  7. Julieann - I answered these questions on my own blog as I thought this was a cute little meme...;0)

  8. 1. What is on top of your refrigerator?
    Technically, there is supposed to be one basket. Realistically, there are also some mixing bowls and my Pampered Chef pizza stone.

    2. Do you do laundry everyday or when needed?

    I've been doing my laundry on Saturdays.

    3. Do you use a dishwasher or hand wash?

    Hand wash.

    4. Are you a dress girl or a pants girl or a little of both?

    I wear dresses and skirts.

    5. Do you wear your hair up or down?

    Down most of the time, but it's long enough to pull into a barrette.

    6. Before this blog, what was the last blog you were on?

    Susan's blog, ByGrace

  9. Hello, Julieann!

    1. I have a pretty bowl hiding apples from my little one, a small crockpot, and a portable radio atop my refrigerator.

    2. I do a few loads of laundry every other day. Some weeks it is daily, though.

    3. I wash three small loads of dishes that can't be washed in the dishwasher daily. I run my dishwasher every other day.

    4. I wear long skirts and shirts. I wear a dress on Saturday and Sunday.

    5. I'm growing out my pageboy, so now it is too short to be up. When it is long, I will wear it up.

    6. I was over at The Sparrow's Nest.

    How about you, Julieann?

  10. This is fun Julieann!

    Heres my answers...
    1. Nothing, just a little dust haha
    2. I do laundry everyday
    3. Im a hand washer only
    4. I wear both
    5. Both. I always wear it down when Im going to Church or somewhere special. During the days, most times but not always I will have it in a cute hig ponytail :)
    6. I think my own blog actually!

    This was fun!
    Did you see the picture slide I posted with pics of my family and I?

  11. 01. pad and pencil
    02. I do laundry every day except Sunday.
    03. I use the dishwasher because the water gets so hot.
    04. Always dresses or skirts and blouses.
    05. Hair down except when it is very hot
    06. my own.
    Well, that was fun. thanks, connie from Texas

  12. Alright-I am game!

    1) There is a three inch space above my fridge and below a cupboard so I keep my serving tray up there.

    2)When it's needed-which SHOULD be every day but I do take a day off when I don't feel like it. In the summertime, though, I do it ALL when the sun shines so I can hang it out on the line-and DON'T do it when it is rainy and cool.

    3) Dishwasher for EVERYTHING that can be squished in...hands for everything that can't.

    4)Both. I would say I am nearly 50/50 on this one.

    5)Both. Depends on my mood. Surely UP mostly in summer though!

    6)This doesn't count because I have about seven different tabs open to different blogs...

    Have a VERY blessed Easter Julieann!

  13. 1. baskets of paper goods for entertaining and a serving stand. I would like to re-arrange so that I don't have anything up there, but I haven't figured out how yet.

    2. When it's needed, and that comes out to several days a week

    3. I use a dishwasher, but my best china and a few other things cannot be used in a dishwasher. So, I do a little hand washing, as well.

    4. I was born a dress girl, and, as a little girl, I wanted to wear a dress every day, even when I played outside. I still love skirts. But, I do wear pants some.


    6.Haven't really started blogging today, so you are my first stop.


  14. 1. What is on top of your refrigerator? A few teapots and teacups. The get dusty though so I need to wash them soon.

    2. Do you do laundry everyday or when needed? I'm very sporadic when it comes to laundry but I keep caught up most of the time. Somedays I do 0 loads, other days, 3.

    3. Do you use a dishwasher or hand wash? I have a dishwasher BUT some of the spokes have erroded away and they are rusty. My mil got me new white dishes this past Christmas so I've been handwashing my plates and bowls since then. I did buy a repair kit but I'm too lazy to glue on 100+ little dishwasher tabs. LOL. Also, I like having the bottom free for pots and pans. Is this the longest answer ever? :0)

    4. Are you a dress girl or a pants girl or a little of both? Mostly pants. I wear skirts to church.

    5. Do you wear your hair up or down? Mostly ponytail. My hair is down to my waist so I'm thinking about getting layers put in.

    6. Before this blog, what was the last blog you were on? Ack! I can't remember! LOL

    Have a great day, Julieann!!!

  15. -Nothing normally... there's a cabinet above it so no room for clutter!
    -When it's needed... which is everyday(a few loads)with 6 of us in the family!(C:
    -Both, but dishwasher as much as is physically possible!
    -mmm mostly pants.. skirts sometimes and I don't even own a dress.
    -usually down..too short to do too much with it up.
    -kohlhauser krew
    Thanks... these are neat to do!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me