Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, April 16, 2007


On Saturday I made pizza--I used the recipe for the crust here. I don't have a round pizza pan, so I used a cookie sheet--it worked fine--but I do want to get a round pan. Half of the pizza was just cheese pepperoni, and the other half had ground beef, veggies, cheese and pepperoni
Served with a nice green salad----I don't put cheese directly on the salad, but in a little bowl to the side, as not to waste cheese, just sprinkle a little on your salad if you like. If I am having a dinner party or company, then I will sprinkle it on the salad to make it pretty:)


  1. Oh YUM!!! I have got to make some pizza soon! Yours looks delicious!!!!

  2. Oh that looks yummy! I am such a pizza fan. Have a wonderful day!

  3. I love homemade pizza. We do have a round pan with holes for ventilation, but I use a cookie sheet when we're makinga double batch.

  4. Yummy! We do pizza almost every Friday (usually homemade). ;o) I have a round stone, but I always use the long cookie sheet just like you for this hungry crowd - lol!


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