Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Books and Other Fun Stuff

These are the books Alexis picked out at the library--if you click on the picture, you will be able to see the titles better--do any of these look familiar? This is a book I got for me--> I have not read this book yet.
..and this book looks so has so many good old fashioned tips:) I started reading through it yesterday, and I had to make myself put it down (giggles)
I was so proud of Alexis, she read this book all by herself to me--yay:)
..and of course she picked out a cow book for me.
This is my amaryllis popping its head out--it looks like it had a baby to the side--hmm-->
..and my tomatoes are coming--->
..and last but not least this is my tummy today--I have 7 days left until I meet my son:)
I have a Doctor's appointment today, in a little bit. I will post if I have any news to report about that. It is a nice day here in California, the sun is out. Dinner will be something with Ground Beef.

This weekend we are going to steam clean the living room carpet---that is the room with the most traffic, and I want it clean:) I have laundry to do--I did wash all the baby clothes and blankets--and they are all put away....My to do list is just the same as always, keep the bathroom tidy, beds made, floors swept, carpets vacuumed--kitchen clean..etc....well, I should go for now--you all have a wonderful Thursday!!! xoxoxo


  1. I am getting so excited for you! I remember being so full of energy that final week and having so much fun making the final preparations! I can't believe how quickly time goes by, because my little baby boy is already 4 months old...I can't wait to meet you soon to be "little man." :)

  2. Looks like lots of good books to keep Alexis and you busy. :o)

  3. Oh, just a week left!! The childrens' books look really fun, and anything to do with Laura Ingalls Wilder is bound to be good!

    Cute tummy picture, too!! :-)

  4. Two of my favorite memories of when my children were small were the wonderful trips to the library and having them snuugle up with me while I would read a story:o) I also wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your tummy pics! You are so, so close now!


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