Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Wonderful Wednesday:)

I went to the Doctors Monday:) I am 3 months and 3 days---My due date is May 6th--and if the ultrasound coincides with me and my doctor, my c-section will be scheduled for April 26th:)

I heard the heartbeat and cried--happy tears:) I think I look pregnant (little baby bump), but everyone says no..LOL--and I just say, oh, you all just think I am gaining weight..LOL.

All my stats are fine, so far---I am going for an ultrasound on Friday, and they have this new ultrasound test that gives you statistics of down syndrome, and since I am 36 I qualify for the test, since I refused the amnio, which the Doctor agreed, he said 36 is still young, and not high risk in my book--I love my doctor. It would not make a difference, because I will love whatever God decides is right for me--but, I may be able to find out the sex---->that is what I am looking for, and also I want to see my baby:)

My daughter caught a cold a couple days ago, she is feeling better now, but it is has decided to move into me..LOL--icky cold, sore throat ...etc. Today is my semi-free today, so hopefully I can read and post a little more today, in between my laundry and housework--I think I am going to make a pumpkin pie today too:) Tuesdays and Fridays I am room mom in my daughter's class, and Thursday's I take my Grandma shopping, plus my kids have teeth cleaning appointments at the dentists this Thursday and next. I am on the PTA, and this is RED RIBBON week, so we had a parade through town after school--it was so cute--I took some pictures, of my daughter marching, I will post soon--my son was there, but was too cool too march..LOL. I am a SAHM, so when I say free day, I mean no room mom, pta, doctor/Dentist, shopping with my Grandma..etc---and my free day usually falls on Wednesday--okay did I just confuse all of you....LOL. Anyway, I am so very excited for Friday, and the Doctor says there is a chance if the baby cooperates I can find out the sex----do I have a preference?? no--but it would be nice to know, so I can start preparing for my precious child:) You all have a wonderful Wednesday xoxox

1 comment:

  1. April 26??? That is my middle son's Luke's Birthday. He will be 13!! Time flies!!


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