This very special day, is my husband's birthday.
We started the day with breakfast at a breakfast buffet and it was cozy. It was a chilly morning so the coffee was so good.
We then went and stopped at Ingalls Grocery store for some things my husband wanted to pick up. We also went to Home Depot where along with what other things my hatband wanted , I also picked up some seeds to plant, yay!!!
He wanted to go see a movie before our birthday dinner, so he picked "A Knock At The Cabin",
It was a good movie, a rather odd one, it was a psychological thriller..
We then went to his birthday dinner to meat the up with the rst of the family.
We came home had birthday cake and presents. It was a great day and I was so happy to have another year with my husband.
The night before we went to Ruth's Chris, which was sensational...I will insert a picture here. They also serve the coffee in a French press, which I love so much.

My husband's Birthday was the 18th, I am a little late with this post. I wanted this in my blog as a memory so I am posting it better late then never.
Much love, lovely people
Happy Birthday to your dear hubby! Looks like you celebrated well!