Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Strawberry Jello Delight #strawberry #simple


      One 6 oz. box regular (not sugar free) strawberry Jello, prepared according to instructions below

      One 8 oz. container of Cool Whip

        1 cup of freshly sliced strawberries, preferably bitesize


1.    Boil one cup water on stove top and mix in the package of Jello

2.    Add in one cup cold water and stir. (These are the instructions on the side of the box.)

3.    Chill Jello, preferably in shallow pan, for about 45 minutes or until it is completely cool, just starting to set.

4.    Pour the Jello into a large mixing bowl.

5.    Mix the Jello up vigorously, for about one minute. Using an electric mixer is great for this step.

6.   This breaks up any Jello bits that have started to set and adds air to the mix.

7.    Then fold in the Cool Whip and then strawberries.

8.    Mix completely but be gentle.

9.   When serving this delicious light and fluffy dessert, you can top with whipped cream and sliced strawberries.


 If you put this in the freezer, it will taste just like ice cream :)


  1. Just subbed to your Youtube channel yesterday! I will be better at commenting here and there!

  2. Thank you so much for visiting :) and subbing...yay me :) I look forward to your comments, they make me smile!!! xoxo


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