Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Spontaneous Errands...

 Do you ever go to bed with your plan for the next day all set....then you wake up thinking you have everything in order and then a slight wrench gets thrown in.  That was today.  Today is not usually my errand day as it used to be...I have had to switch around my schedule due to Virtual school...but today I had errands to run, and Target may or may not have been snuck in along with a Starbucks Monday...tee hee!!!
Nonfat Cappuccino with an extra shot, please!!!

Tonight's dinner was fried pork and mushrooms and onions all cut to bite sized pieces, mashed potatoes and country gravy, peas and a nice green salad.

I did my Peloton, a thirty minute Interval and Arms workout...
I have not given up hope on the election, still hoping things work out for the best I am sure you all are too.

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