Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Friday, October 23, 2020


I had gone through my polish and got rid of most them because they were all getting old and thick...I wasn't planning on getting more polish at the moment, but I absolutely fell in love with these colors....and prices..tee hee!
I ran some errands today and went into Ross....they had these polish boxes out getting ready for the holidays........
OH....and some lip color too, in my colors.....Love this!!!
This particular polish, I found at Target.  Rose Bold!!  I love, love, love this color!
These colors were also at Ross...Paris Hilton...who knew she had a polish line...I did not know.  Regardless of who's name is on my polish, I love the colors....
The middle color is my favorite....

 Do you like nail polish?  What colors do you like on your nails?  In the past I have always gotten my nails done...but lately I like them short and clean and, I am wanting a little color...especially on my toenails....

You can click on the pictures to see the colors of the polish better and lip color....
This makes me happy!!
We all need a little happy :)

It was a lovely day today, and the weather was glorious.
If you follow me on Instagram I made a ton of stories today, it also shows up on my Facebook...take a look if you would like.

It was 75 degrees today and I ran my 3.5 miles this morning.

I went to Publix and picked up the sale ad and coupon book and Sprouts dropped a ten dollar coupon in my check your Sprouts for that should be there,
I have collected a lot of coupons from the Sunday I will be clipping coupons this weekend.
I will most likely do my shopping after Church on Sunday.
I love doing my shopping on Monday's, but with Virtual School going on, my schedule has changed a tiny bit.
Two weeks ago, I saved 50 dollars with deals and coupons...that was so

I did a bit of shopping at Target today, too.
I needed more plastic shoeboxes, they had been out for quite awhile and they had finally gotten some I bought 20.
I needed lightbulbs and some toiletries.  I didn't buy too many groceries, because that day is coming up.  I did pick up Egg Nog..YUM~MEEEE!!!!  My son loves Egg Nog.
I got some really nice foot repair lotion.  I am going to put it on my feet and wear socks to bed...and then I will polish my toenails tomorrow...
Friday Family Fun Night was moved to tonight's dinner was semi~homemade Pizza with salad.
I am now just catching up on other housewifey/mama things.

It is getting dark earlier and earlier.
Did I mention I got a new Christmas tree this year?
It is homage of my Mother.  Her last Christmas with me she put up a white tree...when I was little I befuddled and confused about a white tree...but this year, as I am grown, it is going to be absolute gorgeous..of course I will show you.

Speaking of Christmas and the holidays, I broke out my holiday planner...I am going through it and adding recipes I want to make, to it......

I hope this day is a good one for you...I give you all hugs and love!!
Thank you for visiting my little corner of the world.

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