Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

A Very Good Day!!

 Today was very good day!
Went to Costco and got a few things...water and it is only $2.99 and a huge case of Coke.  Lemon Juice and a few different vitamins.
My freezer is really well stocked with meat, so we didn't need any meat.
A big bag of avocados!!
We then went to the Mall and I got my eyebrows threaded, then off to the doggy boutique to pick up my doggy a birthday cake. ( a special nutfree cake)
Got a Saturday Starbucks.
We also went to lunch at Longhorns.....

I semi homemade Pizza for dinner....

Grocery shopping tomorrow...I am clipping coupons as I finish this up...LOL

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