Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, January 20, 2020


Greek Chicken Recipe

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts~~~~~~~  No antibiotics ever :)

1/4 Cup Greek Chicken marinade or dressing
1/4 Cup of Chicken Broth
1 Onion Chopped
Sliced black olives...a little or a lot and a whole lot of FETA cheese!!!

Feta cheese is my absolute favorite!!!

Some oil for cooking, preferably olive oil, but veggie oil, will work also.

In a big skillet, heat oil and saute the onion until tender and transparent...take out and put aside...add more oil if needed then add chicken and sear both sides until golden brown.,add the marinade and broth.  Simmer gently for a few minutes and then add back the onion..
Continue to cook until the chicken is cooked all the way through.....chicken juices should run clear and an internal temperature should be 165 or more
When chicken is cooked through...add the drained black, sliced up olives...and sprinkle all that glorious feta cheese..  a little or a can let the chicken rest for a few minutes also with the heat off.

Prepare your plate with the sides you made.  I will serve this with rice, burned brussel sprouts and cucumber salad


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