Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

*Menu Plan* ???

Well, this week, as I am sure your week, is wonky too.
(I long for a normal week...LOL)

Dinner was on the way home....a lot of tacos.

WE substituted Monday for our Sunday, it was steak on the grill night

Chicken Tenders
Baked Potatoes in the Instant Pot..12 minutes people!!!!
Mixed veggies

Steak and chicken quesadillas ...Used leftover steak and chicken! BAM!

Hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill
with all the fixings:)

Chicken breasts
Baked potatoes

Saturday...NIGHT OUT!!!

A new vlog is being stay tuned, I will get that up Friday
In the mean time, Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July
Happy Birthday my beloved country :)


  1. Happy 4th of July, Julieann! We're having hotdogs on the grill today, too. My husband is doing well. Thank you for asking. A question about the InstaPot, what other things do you routinely make with it? I have an old fashioned pressure cooker that I only make two things with. I use the crockpot to make baked potatoes in the summer, but I wonder if they might turn out better in the InstaPot (and take less time!), but I hate to purchase one for just one thing.

    Hope you have a great day!!

  2. I would love to see your meal plan, too. It gives me fresh ideas..either post here or link me...if you want to share. If not leave a comment so I know that you were here :)


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