Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, June 16, 2019


I hope you all have had a wonderful and an awesome Father's Day!!
oh, what a great weekend.

I hope you all have been enjoying my vlogs...they are actually a lot of fun on my side...Lol. 

It is amazing how many times things are going on and I just want to pick up my camera and share it all with you.  Let's be real here, I have been sharing my daily life as a wife and mother here for a very long time...over a decade...can you believe that???
I have enjoyed every minute of it too

 We have had some laughs, haven't we?
Oh the memories that are stuffed in this little blog of mine.

I have plans for my blog and and vlogs.
A plan.....yes, I do!!
I am going to keep writing and I want to make more of a plan here....I want to get back to posting my "Menu Plan Mondays"  ......Remembe those?
Then, I will share my plans vlog style...
In my mind I am super organized...LOL...
I also think this is a neat way to connect to other Moms just trying to do their best.
We are all in this together.

I need to tell you all this, too..My daughter, graduated high school with honors and will be going to college in the fall ...this is a very exciting time for her...she will be 18 this month...WOWEE!! 18!!!  That went supper fast!

Well, my beloved

blog.....I will see you tomorrow with my MENU PLAN MONDAY!!

I have to search for my Menu Plan Picture.....How fun :)

Here is a picture of lipstick and big sunglasses as always...LOL.  Somethings never change  TEE HEE!!!

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